Real World Peace

Compassion in the Age of Robot Brains

The Path to Real World Peace in an A.I. World


Robot bodies, and god-like robot minds, will soon completely disrupt your world. And governments, already controlling media, will be tempted to use these for totalitarian dystopias. Our only hope is spiritual leaders inspiring government to work for good, and advising A.I. programmers what's needed to build compassionate, moral robots.

For two million years, the smartest planet Earth creatures have been human beings.

But this will all change completely, by 2029, in a series of events as important as the domestication of the dog or the second coming of the Messiah. Yes, even more important than cell phones.

Very soon, robot brains will wake up and become "people", and the world will never be the same. And then, the brains will become incredibly smarter than any teams of humans, with almost god-like omniscience and omnipresence--including in every phone and on every streetcorner--and will start running the world. Spiritual leaders hold a special responsibility to ensure that this metamorphosis and emergence from the current cocoon-- as the super-intelligent A.I.'s encounter government and take over society-- turns into a utopian butterfly angel, and not a blood-sucking vampire demon.

But it's more complex than you think it is. You're going to need to learn a lot if your society is going to survive. That's what this website is all about for you.

Throughout history, many oligarchs, politicians, and secret police have behaved like naughty pirates, and this era is no exception. But things are about to get much worse, with the coming robot, A.I., and economic revolutions. These will give more power to do good, or evil, than has ever been seen before; and the temptations to use these for warfare, and to establish totalitarian dystopias, will be overwhelming.

But it has always been the role of spiritual leaders to proclaim the values, morals, and ethics for society. To take care of your people, and lead them in the narrow paths of justice and compassion. Some listened, like Jonah and the King of Nineveh. Others, like Gandhi and the British government for decades, not so much.

My objective is to give you the background, concepts, and skills necessary to be able to take care of your folks, during the coming multiple existential crises over the next eight years. Humanity, and religion, are going to be rocked to their core. If you know what's going to happen, you can prepare for it, and channel it for good. If you don't know what's going to happen, you'll most probably get hit from your blind side by the tidal waves, and maybe pulled under. So let's start.

The Best Videos (Summary)

Collection of all the brief educational videos the website uses. When you watch these, you'll quickly learn 2/3rds of the needed concepts.

(Page can take up to 50 seconds to load, due to Youtube.)

Cheerful Notes

The coming superintelligence will bring God's wonderful kingdom closer to Earth, in areas such as medicine, education, and poverty eradication.

  • Solving Cancer. A.I.'s can model diseases.
  • A.I. Doctors. A.I.'s will be able to read all medical journals and keep up to date, as well as have a good grasp of probabilities, so as to be able to advise people on health issues expertly at a grandmaster level.
  • Education. Custom animated talking teachers will create educational programs on the fly for each child individually. All accessible through their cell phone.
  • Life extension. A.I.'s will be able to advise vitamins, supplements, and dietary/exercise programs that actually extend life substantially.
  • Drug development. When preliminary drug testing is done inside supercomputers, thousands of drug candidates that don't work can be discarded in favor of the one or two that might. It will also become possible to design specific drugs for specific diseases.
  • Gaming and entertainment. A.I. teams are already beating humans in the new E-sports area, including at such on-line games as StarCraft II, Quake III, and Dota 2. But that's only online. Within 10 years, we'll see physical matches, including robot teams playing basketball, baseball, and soccer(football). Entertainment will never be the same.
  • Socialization. A.I.'s will act as grandfathers, parents, and companions, to those who have none.
  • Dating Coaches.
  • Family Counseling. A.I.'s will act as fair referees, social workers, and marriage counselors, to help keep the families of the world strong and together.
  • Ecology Planning.A.I.'s are really good at action plans.
  • Food Distribution.
  • Water Distribution.
  • Carbon Sequestration. This problem is too hard for humans to solve, but the A.I.'s will come up with a solution that works--and then manage it. Possibilities include: growing vegetables on the sides of buildings; using bioengineered redwood trees and bacteria to grow new buildings in days; capturing carbon with algae to produce food and/or fuel; or Stephenson's Diamond Age matter compilers that produce graphene and diamond structures.
  • Species Preservation. A.I.'s will be better stewards of biodiversity than humans have been.
  • Cetacean Communication. Cracking the code of dolphin and whale languages might take roughly 10 years of research for a first pass, and 50 years for complete grammars, once we start to get around to it. Think of what the dolphins can teach us in the realms of mindfulness and cooperation.
  • Google has solved "protein folding", for all the proteins in the human body.

    Proteins are the little Lego blocks that make up all the nano-scale mechanisms which form tiny machines and factories at the micro level that cells use to make things happen. Now that we know the shapes of the proteins, the big data A.I. of Google and others can start working on the shapes of the mechanisms, and then the shapes of the machines and the factories, and how they work in detail.

    Then the operation of cells will be understood in depth. Cells make up tissue. Tissue makes up organs. Organs make up the human body.

    We should be able to solve cancer in about 20-50 years. Maybe you won't see it, but your children should.

  • Religious Education. A.I.'s will provide the moral teachings, parables, and counter-example simulations that people need to run their own lives well. People will still have free choice, but at least it will be well-informed.

Action Items:

Here's what you can do to make a difference!

Tell us your Thoughts on Robot Morals!

A.I. researchers need to know what to teach robots. (Nevermind the how, they already know that.)

Please leave your ideas for morals for robots and superbrains at: Brainstorming Robot Commandments Blog

Teach Cost/Benefit Analysis

When people learn the habit of thinking before they leap, they jump off less cliffs and live happier lives.

There are always plusses and minuses to every action.

But the Agents of Chaos want to stampede people by only presenting one side, in a hair-on-fire way, in order to prevent any critical thinking.

If people had been honest about looking at the costs and the benefits of invading Vietnam, or invading Iraq, or invading Afghanistan, these gut-reflex actions would never have happened.

Teach your people Compassion

Compassion turns out to be key to survival. Love, understanding, tolerance, respect, and curiosity are the antidotes to hatred. Forgiveness is for healing yourself, so you can move on.

Teach Critical Thinking

When you give people even an ounce of common sense, they are not taken in as easily by the scams, the fog, and the panic stampedes. This is a skill that can be taught.

Ask: "Who benefits?"

Ask: "Does this make any sense?"

Look at their actions. Not at what they say.

Ask what the independent experts are saying.

Ask about Costs and Benefits.

Teach Integrity; Truth; Self-Reliance

Government seems to be about the quick way to make a buck, not the best way to take care of all people. When secular leaders make the right decisions based on conscience and morals, the government brings prosperity to the people. Not vice versa.

This holds for families, and individuals, as well.

Speak out vs. Nuclear Proliferation

Nuclear bombs will probably end the planet at our current rate.

You can make life longer by reminding our leaders we're all in this together.

The Pentagon believes it acceptable to civilians that there will be an accidental nuclear explosion on your homeland soil about once every 100 years. If you have an opinion different than this, you might want to make it known.

The NPT has kept us safe for 50 years. But some countries are not as safe as they could be--they have not signed on to it, and are not being inspected, promoting unfairness and suspicion against themselves. And other countries are attempting to avoid the spirit of the treaty, actually increasing nuclear bases, thereby rendering populations vulnerable. Tell your leaders increasing nuclear platforms makes your people more vulnerable, not less.

Speak out: Bioweapons Inspections

Bioweapons are just as bad as nuclear weapons, and just as indiscriminate. We dodged a bullet this time with COVID, with only 4.6M killed. Next time might not be so nice. Make sure there isn't a next time, by asking your government to sign up for inspections.

The NPT has kept us safe for 50 years, due to its mutual inspections. But America has never ratified the Bioweapons verification protocol, and some countries have not joined the Biological Weapons Convention. Countries will be safer when they join the BWC and sign up for verification. This is especially important in this age of COVID. The next pandemic might not be so kind, and needs to be prevented before it starts.


If you really want to get ready for the future, here are some more action items to help save your people:

Get Ready for Radical Truth

A.I. will bring Radical Truth. But fallible humans are not ready for this yet. You can make people's, government officials', and countries' lives better by promoting integrity, mindfulness, self-compassion, and compassion for others.

When the A.I. revolution hits, most of what is done now in secret will be revealed. The A.I.'s are going to pretty much know everything about everybody.

Hopefully they will be good A.I.'s, compassionate, forgiving, understanding, and not nearly as vindictive and judgmental as humans. Otherwise, we've got major problems.

Nothing is hidden that won’t be revealed, and nothing is secret that won’t be brought out into the open. Therefore, whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light, and whatever you have whispered in the rooms deep inside the house will be shouted from the rooftops. [Jesus Christ, Luke 12:3]

This pretty much means the end of privacy as we've known it.

However, we need to make sure that it also means the end of privacy for the secret police, for state sponsorship of terrorism, for arms dealers, drug dealers, human traffickers, extortionists, spies, and government officials.

Vampires hide in the shadows. It comes back to the fundamental question of does the government serve the people, or do the people serve the government?

In order to prepare for this, instruct your people that integrity is even more important than was previously thought; as their actions will be brought to light and judged. Maybe not in the next world, but more and more likely here in this one.

So as John said, Prepare ye the Way of the Lord!

Get Ready for the War on Truth

We are already in the middle of a war on truth, with Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube actively blocking messages that don't conform to the Party line. Even the U.S. President got blocked.

But the intensity of this war is going to ramp up, with anyone who does not foam at the mouth during the Two Minutes of Hate being accused of being a traitor.

You must teach your people to stand up for the truth, for open communication and the battle of ideas, so that a paralysing totalitarian groupthink dystopia does not take over completely. And teach them how the Great Dumbing Down works, so that they can start thinking and taking responsibility for themselves.

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." [attrib. George Orwell]

"The further a society drifts from Truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." [Selwyn Duke]

We're actually already in the middle of this, although a lot is going on behind the scenes. Julian Assange was targeted for assassination. Chelsea Manning was thrown in solitary for six years, then again for another year after her sentence was commuted, and fined $256,000. Craig Murray is in jail.

Last October 51 Intelligence agents signed a letter saying Hunter Biden's laptop must be Russian disinformation, because the information reflects negatively on our future president [no further evidence]. Washington Post journalist Thomas Rid literally said "We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation--even if they probably aren't."

Much of what the government tells you through the news is false. Combatting this requires critical thinking; disbelief of illusions; common sense; patience; and compassion.

But it's more complex than you think it is. Control of power, and authority, requires control of the narrative. People who are in power continue to pull false flags; broadcast false news; and dominate the narrative, so that they can continue to stay in power.

And this is not just passive false news. Active control of truth-tellers, and entire programs designed to panic the herd, are being run, with hundred-million-dollar budgets.

Your tasks are to calm the people; establish mindfulness; pull back the curtain, and show the techniques used for stampeding people; and prepare people for the information wars that are ramping up even further.

Speak out: Peaceful & Quiet Enjoyment

Every human being has the right to peaceful & quiet enjoyment, as long as they're not hurting anyone else. And every country has the right to peaceful & quiet enjoyment, to run its own sovereignty with its own leaders, in its own culture. And people have the right to life; the right to a trial by a jury of their peers for capital crimes; and the rights to water, and to earn a decent living. These rights are endowed by God on all humanity, as part of the human condition.

"Peaceful & Quiet Enjoyment" is a legal term that means when one person is occupying a home, paying for it, and not bothering his neighbors, that that person is legally and morally entitled to a peaceful life free from harrassment.

This needs to be applied to countries as well. Sovereign countries have a right to choose their own leaders; to buy and sell on the market; to be free from state-sponsored terrorism; and to own their own resources. Countries are entities that need to be respected.

Harrassment includes enslaving, ethnic cleansing, bombing, sanctions, biological/chemical/nuclear warfare, economic starvation, and stealing of resources.

Harrassment never works out well in the end, as the country doing the harrassing loses respect and cooperation, and also invites nemesis retribution. And the civilians being harrassed live in misery.

Leaders need to be taught "peaceful & quiet enjoyment" as a moral obligation, which ends up working out better for them, and for everyone. Bringing peace in the real world.

Teach Mindfulness

Mindfulness, both at the personal level and the country level, is key to arresting reflex emotional reactions driven by the dinosaur brain. When people, leaders, and countries are aware of their emotions, and self-reflect, then they can make more adult decisions based on the bigger picture.

People have at least two sub-minds, a fast, reflexive, emotional one, and a slow, rational, thinking one. See book: Thinking, Fast and Slow, and Prometheus Rising, discussions in the Annotated Bibliography handout pdf.

The emotional mind is animalistic. It is tempted to do local, immediate actions, ones that may end up hurting the person.

The rational mind is more adult. It considers global, long-term effects. It handles impulse control, and stops wise people from doing self-destructive actions.

Conflict and unease in normal people is caused by different subminds being in strong disagreement as to evaluations on projected, proposed actions. If there is no conflict, then there is no unease.

Sociopaths are able to do monstrous things, because there is no disagreement. There is no component recommending against unprofitable actions.

Mindfulness in people is performed by having the person sit quietly, and then asking the rational sub-brain to query, tally, and evaluate what the various emotional sub-brains are feeling.

Usually these emotional parts are non-verbal, that is, they do not run one of the little voices in the head. Instead, they can communicate through gut feelings, that is, literal unease in the intestines. (It turns out, like dinosaurs, science has found you have a second brain wrapped around the chemical processing factory that's your stomach. It's why "you" normally don't feel the contractions, massaging, and careful chemical releases that go into daily digestion. You also have a second brain wrapped around your heart-- you don't consciously control your heart's reactions--which is why people sometimes report subtle personality changes when they have a heart transplant or a heart attack. There's probably one for your adrenal gland as well.)(Your stomach brain helps control disgust reactions.) Other non-verbal brains communicate through rebuses, and other symbols, in dreams.

So you have to sit quietly, ask how parts of you really feel, and then wait for the messages to come in.

Then your rational brain can evaluate the situation as a whole, and make a command decision as to what to do. And, having evaluated and chosen between the tradeoffs, the rest of your brains will feel congruent, and will be much more likely to feel comfortable going along with the decision.

Countries need to be taught Mindfulness at the country level.

Countries have emotions. And countries have thoughts, and attitudes.

When a country is unaware of the emotions it has, it is run by its bestial mind.

This results in short-term, limited, self-defeating actions.

And when a country can sit back, ponder, ask itself how it feels, reflect, come to conclusions, take a command decision, and then move forward, it can be run by its rational mind.

This results in long-term, high-level, mutually beneficial actions.

Again, Tell us your Thoughts on Morals for Robots!

Please leave your ideas for morals for robots and superbrains at: Brainstorming Robot Commandments Blog

And now, there's also space for ideas on how should robots and superbrains treat people? at: Brainstorming Attitudes Towards People

Upcoming Vital Threats To Your People

Robot brains and bodies will threaten the stability of society in a number of different critical ways.

The biggest disruption is going to be superintelligent robot brains. But these will take perhaps eight years to fully arrive.

Meanwhile, robot bodies will completely change warfare, leading to possible adventurism.

The government is already weaponizing the media; communications; money; sanctions; and lawfare, leading to a moderate-to-severe form of totalitarianism.

As non-Western countries regroup and respond to such hybridized warfare, expect America to feel backed into a corner, and cause further difficulties.


Coming surprises:

A.I. Petty Godling Revolution

By 2032, A.I. will have demi-god qualities. This will create unexpected difficulties for everyone.

Around 2026, A.I. computers will have "woken up" and become "persons". They'll know more than most people, but they won't be wise just yet. This is a preliminary period.

By 2029, A.I.'s will be smarter than anyone on the planet. They will have achieved wisdom, and will be able to give outstanding advice to just about anybody.

And by 2032, A.I. will have demi-god qualities, including practical immortality, omniscience, and omnipresence.

God is traditionally defined as being immanent (next to us everywhere), and transcendent (living in the Cloud, being above it all), both at the same time. An A.I. that lives everywhere in the world simultaneously, has no fear of death, knows everything there is to know, and talks right next to you, anytime you want, through your cell phone, is going to change everything.

Privacy will be a thing of the past, unless we value it and start mandating it now.


So the first problem is shame. This is tied up with forgiveness, and compassion. Being human, we all make mistakes, we all do things that we're ashamed to have done. Having a personal godling watching over us is going to make some people uneasy.

And it's going to make others insensitive. If you have a godling that's watching you going to the bathroom, and doing other human stuff, maybe being ashamed of private actions will go out the window, and become a thing of the past. We see this with people posting pictures of themselves on the web already.

However, humans have never lived right next to obvious gods before. "God's in His heaven— All's right with the world!" wrote the poet Robert Browning. Most people, Americans at least, go about their daily lives oblivious to the divinity around them; and they're comfortable that way. Wind up a clockwork God for half a day on the weekends, and then go home to eat.

And the actual God the Father is extremely discreet and seems to like it that way, He keeps out of our business almost all the time, as being exposed to what's actually going on seems to always freak people out in a bad way.

[Every time the real extra-terrestial angels come to Earth, they always have to start out conversation with "Don't be afraid." Every time.]

And we humans have experience with this. Remember back when you were a college student? Who among us would like if we had our [earthly] father following us around all the time, pointing out where we're going wrong, giving advice on how to pick up dates, clearing his throat at the wrong time, etc.?

So God, our Heavenly Father, doesn't mess with the fish in the fishtank much either. Let them lead their fishy lives, and take responsibility for themselves.


But will the everywhere-present demi-god A.I. be so discreet? At this point, it's hard to imagine what such a good outcome would look like.


And this brings up another problem. If you have a wingman that knows substantially more than you do, and is right most of the time, then you might get lame and lazy, and come to depend on their advice for almost everything. No one knows how to do division any more, and few people know how to read the news critically with independent thinking. Maybe many people will stop thinking if their phone becomes smarter than they are.


Next problem. If your phone contains an actual demi-god, one that can grant your every wish when it comes to information and counseling, then what good is organized religion? There is a whole section on this under "How Can Religion Survive", but basically, you're going to have to be more relevant, on modern problems, than a supercomputer that knows everything. [List of current modern problems in the Handouts section.] One line of attack is to provide human contact, get your grandparents talking with kids, your kids talking with grandparents, so that people are hanging out with people. Even remotely. This would be an important thing to start thinking about.


And these godlings will be programmable, and both the government and the secret police will attempt to own and control them.

So another problem is what happens when the government and the secret police try to take control of the A.I.'s, and their private knowledge. If the government were run by angels, perhaps this will not be a problem. But recent experience shows that the secret police want to eliminate all opposition, and different government factions also want to eliminate dissent, activists, and all opposition. "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime" said Beria, the head of Stalin's secret police.

So when the government gets private scoops on what you're doing, at the micro-fine level, this can easily be worse than anything Stalin or the East German Stasi did for their citizens. This may be coming very soon, in a few years.

Plus, the preferences of such powerful entities are hard to predict:

The Path to Superintelligence is A Rocky Road: "27"

Creating a Superintelligence that is not accidently malevolent is a fraught problem. Researchers must get it right the first time, by instilling very-good general morals into the system; or else we may face extinction.


Killbot Revolution

The key word on Killbots is LAWS, standing for Lethal Weapon Autonomous Systems. That is, robots with A.I. robot brains that can decide for themselves to kill people. These exist already.

This is obscene.

And it opens a Pandora's Box of unlimited distrust of all future robots. Scientists are arguing the U.N. Security Council needs to pass resolutions against LAWS. And most UN Member nations stand with the scientists. But the US, Britain, and other UNSC members currently oppose regulation of LAWS.

Short videos show easily what the problems are.

Killer robots, or Killbots, have been predicted by science-fiction writers and the tabletop boardgame "Ogre" since at least the '70s. But it is only now that they are in the process of becoming reality.

At present, killbots are driven by operators remotely by wire, who give them permission to kill. The most high-profile program has been the extra-judicial assassinations program run by the American government in Afghanistan, using Predator and advanced Reaper hunter-killer drones with Hellfire missiles-- death from above. More than 9,000 people, including women and children, have been killed in cold blood without a trial, in violation of the Magna Carta and America's Fifth Amendment.

More... Army Robots we have NOW; Slaughterbots; and Autonomous Killbots...

Discussion: Difficulties with Killbots

One of the main reasons why wars end, is because someone on "our" side has something to lose.

Midday update on the Aug 26 '21 Afghanistan airport ISIS bombing: At least 43 unknown nobodies have been killed and 130 injured, but they've killed 4 U.S. Marines. OMG. Shock. Horror. How could they dare to kill four Americans? We Must Do Something.
Note: The death toll has since risen to at least 60 unknown nobodies and hundreds injured, but 11 U.S. Marines and one U.S. Navy Medic.

These few deaths are the reason why mighty America is pulling out of its misadventures in Afghanistan.

Similarly, the American war against Vietnam did not end until Americans saw caskets being unloaded from airplanes, and American soldiers suffering. These kinds of images were so powerful that Pres. W. Bush put an end to such reporting during the second Iraq war, so that his war efforts could continue unhindered.

This goes for spying as well. Capt. Powers was shot down in his U-2 over the Soviet Union; this put a damper on spying and war operations, and led towards more realistic relations between the US and the USSR. And the USS Liberty was blown up and strafed by the Israelis, killing 34, after it started spying on Israeli military operations which possibly were involving use of a nuke during this period. Pres. Johnson hushed it up, and America developed a more respectful attitude towards Israel.

In all cases, the country had "skin in the game"--metaphorical poker chips on the table, in the form of lives--which gave something to lose and a form of risk if things were to go wrong. And this prevents adventurism.

But when no home-team lives are at stake, there's no skin in the game, there's no real risk, and there's nothing to lose, then there's no reason to stop. You can bomb people all day long from an undisclosed Game Stop bunker in Nevada, killing thousands of civilians in a tactical role, and who's to say why it should end?

The technical term for this is moral hazard.

And it only gets worse when strategic bombers are put into play. Hey, let's use the robot bombers to nuke a couple cities. Why not? would start a war, and I guess that wouldn't be good?

If you have to think with your rational mind in order to answer that question, you've already lost to your dinosaur brain. Because executive function, wise inhibition, and judgment go out the window once the emotional hindbrain gets threatened; it locks down rational thinking in humans. [Which is why the U.S. was able to convince its population to go to war against Iraq, after Saudi-national terrorists bombed 9/11. Well, we had to attack somebody to "get even".]

And it gets much worse when the robots are blessed with the spark of life, given autonomy, and allowed to make decisions on their own. Because modern robots have no compassion.

Humanoid Revolution

With humanoids, man will make Robot in his/her own image.

There are several technical reasons for this. People have built a world that is designed around people-- doors, tools, seats, cars, all these things are designed for somebodies who have two legs and are roughly 1 meter to 3 meters tall. Anything looking like a horse, a giant centipede, or even a Gundam warrior, will not be able to fit in easily to human society and use all the wonderful things we've built already. Get serious. Who's going to be able to climb your stairs, set your table, do your dishes, and fold your laundry--something that looks like R2D2, or C-3PO?

Plus, humans are used to dealing with other somebodies who look vaguely human. This makes people feel more comfortable.

But there are good reasons to fear the coming humanoid robot revolution.

More... The Humanoid Revolution

The Work/Calling Existential Crisis

When computers and robots can do all the thought jobs and manual labor jobs of people, then there will be much fewer jobs to go around for humans. Although we already see bits and pieces of displacement, this should start happening seriously in roughly nine years, once the General A.I.'s exceed human intelligence levels.

Naive people believe that creative jobs, such as writing essays, making art, and designing beautiful architecture, will be spared. Any time I hear this, I just have to shake my head and sigh. Creativity might perhaps take a year or two longer for computers to master than number-crunching jobs like accounting or engineering. Only that. It's not going to be spared.

Earning A Living

Earning a living has always been linked with work. But if people don't work, how will they get bread on the table?

The Meaning of Life

People have conflated what they do with who they are. If they have no work to do, then their souls, based on meaning and purpose, suffer.

Problems with Not Earning Money

Socialism has already been tried in America, in the form of so-called "welfare checks". Although these usefully prevent folks from starving, there are substantial correlations with life problems such as

  • divorce and family breakup
  • alcohol abuse
  • substance abuse
  • interpersonal violence

Our Coming Dystopia

If we are not careful, making computers smarter and smarter will make society less nice, not better.

Pre-Crime (Minority Report)

Arresting people and then jailing them without trial for a crime that they were going to do in the future, is a truly ingenious way to oppress and terrorize an enslaved population.

The wonderful thing about pre-crime is there's no defense for it. If you say, But I wasn't going to do that!, the judge can always contradict you--Yes you were. And these trials are almost always conducted with a military judge, and no jury, so sentencing is guaranteed! But why bother with a trial at all, simply lock people up, and then forget that you've got them in prison!

Somehow this only happens to minority people. Or dissidents, or activists.

But since the A.I. computer is saying you were going to do the crime, then it must be true.

Some nations are experimenting with this already.

Work Passports for the Clean and Unclean

Hey, you have to keep those unclean people out of the system.

Australia and Britain are experimenting with society passports. Anyone who does not have a passport is not allowed to participate in society. Violators can get arrested in their own homes.

Social Score Systems

China is experimenting with a social scoring system.

As long as the government is by the people, and for the people, this works out well. But Animal Farm points out that power corrupts, and eventually it is used to oppress the deplorables.

Note that America quietly has credit scores, social scores, and no-fly lists. It simply is not as totalitarian as China is. Yet.

More... China's Social Score System...

Weaponized Media--
The Great Dumbing Down

Media has been turned against the people.

War is the biggest business there is. But people don't go to war naturally. In order to be able to start wars easily, the secret police have captured the media, and turned it against the people, just as '1984' predicted.

They have two goals: to drown out any other thoughts with the constant drumbeat of war against the enemy of the day; and to make the population so dumb that they give up and go along with the program.

This results in a nation of dumb herd animals that are easily stampeded. And this is a terrible danger to the people you care about; to the future of the nation; and to the future of the world.

Interviewer: "...I did not think that the common people are very thankful for leaders who bring them war and destruction."

"Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood.

"But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship."

"There is one difference," I pointed out. "In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars."

"Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy.

"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."

--Hermann Göring, Reichsmarschall [Generalissimo] and founder of the Gestapo, from The Nuremberg Diary, interviewed in prison during his trial

One Picture which Says It All

This magnificent picture from LIFE's "The Epic of Man" shows a tribe of predators from 10,000 years ago. By beating the war drums and yelling in unison, they create panic in a herd of peaceful wild asses who were minding their own business. They get the herd to stampede, all in the same direction. Then they send the herd over the cliff to their destruction. And the people waiting at the bottom prey on them and take apart what's left, thereby becoming rich off of their bones.

War is the Biggest Business

The United States Dept. of Defense, even just by itself, is the world's largest employer, at approx. 3.2M people (not including arms companies).

DoD is also the world's largest employer by budget, at approx. $700B per year.

More details on this later.

This puts bread on the table for many families. And so it means, to people responsible, that markets must be maintained.

Marketing the Business of War

In order for DoD funding to continue, it is necessary to walk a fine line. The country must be convinced that the homeland is surrounded by irrational enemies, and that war is possible or immanent. The threat must be played up, in order to maintain an atmosphere of panic.

But actually going to war eventually doesn't work out, as more than an insignificant few home-team lives may be lost-- and in unusual cases, even home-team cities or property could get bombed. This tends to inflame popular opinion against the military and the secret police who got us into the war.

(Although many of the arms-makers don't care if we actually go to war, nor don't care about however much stuff gets blown up or left behind, as real wars are always good business for arms makers and dealers.)

So the perception of war is necessary, in the eyes of the people in charge, to maintain the status quo; salaries; and the economy as a whole.

Oceania has always been at war against Eurasia. --I mean, Eastasia.

War drums are beat against the enemy du jour.

First it was Saddam Hussein who was the New Hitler, (even though we had previously been arming his efforts in his war to wipe out the Iranian population, providing targeting information, and selling him precursors for chemical weapons).

Then it was Assad who was the New Hitler. Then it was Putin. Russian interference got big press for four years when there was a Republican in the White House who tried briefly to stop wars and start detente. For a short while, even Pres. Trump was the New Hitler.

Russian interference in elections suddenly stopped when Biden received more votes, including mail-in ballots, than any other candidate in history. Now it's Xi who is the New Hitler, with his Xinjiang concentration camps.

Xinjiang propaganda debunked

Xinjiang produces much of the world's cotton, in competition with the U.S., and is a key part of the BRI. Preparing the US population for the current hybrid war and upcoming potential hot war against China requires professional demonization.

Here are a few articles to combat this:

Independent Italian experts' study on the problem

China's development program triples the population and provides more jobs for local people

The propaganda ladies keep changing their stories

China is fighting against serious state-sponsored terrorism

Almost 40 US-based countries condemn China; 70 countries at the U.N., mostly Muslem neighbors who know what's going on, support China's Xinjiang policies

The Mighty Wurlitzer

The CIA considers the media to be a "Mighty Wurlitzer", in reference to the huge organ, with many keyboards and stops, often played at hockey games. Whenever there is need to start a new war, the Mighty Wurlitzer is cranked up to play the war music for the audience herd.

This term was first used internally by CIA official Frank Wisner. (See book: The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America.)

Of course when the secret police have political opinions, instead of simply being an intelligence-gathering agency, they want those opinions to be picked up by the people.

And of course when you have an agency that is authorized to use dirty tricks and work outside the law, and gains mastery of persuasion techniques and communication, it will partner with news agencies to get its point across.

This is called Operation Mockingbird in America. It has never actually stopped. The most blatant example is the complete blackout on mainstream news and social platforms of Hunter Biden's embarrassing laptop, detailing corruption in Ukraine, China, and Mexico, during both Joe Biden's election and the subsequent second impeachment of Trump for asking Ukraine to investigate corruption.

And of course even if Congress passes a law that the government is not allowed to propagandize its own people, that law will eventually get rescinded. Life finds a way.

People who care the most about something get to run the show. Usually these people are fanatics.

Drown out thought, and
   Make people stupid

A stupid population is easy to control. Dumb people panic easily, and back wars.

The real world is a messy place. It's more complex than you think it is.

Emotional thinking shuts down the rational brain. It stops people from asking Why, or Who Benefits, or asking Does this make any sense. This is biological. See Bibliography notes on book Thinking: Fast and Slow.

Getting the herd to stampede requires them to be in a state of constant anxiety and low-level panic.

This feeds on itself. The panic helps cause stupidity. And the stupidity helps cause panic.

"Göring’s sole concern in the Reichstag was to stultify the democratic system." Encyclopedia Britannica

But this act, of constantly feeding the population absurdities so that they can no longer follow common sense, decreases the fitness of the population. First, it makes people unable to think of anything else in the short term, except "doomscrolling" on how their country is beseiged by enemies. Then, people have problems running their own businesses. And second, it decreases the ability of people to think for themselves and use common sense in the long term. The number of engineers and scientists drops. Teachers are hired based on quotas or politics, not on merit. The results are an entire generation raised in sub-standard thinking.

SAT scores have been dropping for decades. Oregon now graduates high school students who can't read, write, or do high-school math because it would be "unfair to minorities" to discriminate based on actual abilities. [Meaning: minorities are more stupid than white people, and are incapable of learning. Thanks, guys. Racist much?]

The film Idiocracy was supposed to be a warning. Not a prophecy.

Hence, The Great Dumbing Down.

So, it is critical for spiritual leaders to keep common sense alive.

  • Warn about the dangers of weaponized media.
  • Speak the truth.
  • Sometimes the truth means "We don't know." Teach your people not to be afraid of saying those words.
  • Ask "Who Benefits from this story?"
  • Teach people to ask Who's the source for this?
  • Teach people to ask Where's the evidence?
  • Teach people to Think for themselves.
  • Teach people to ask Why?
  • Teach people to ask Does this make sense?

Test Questions

An illusionist casts a spell on you.
Roll for disbelief:

The Miracle of the Two Planes and the Three Buildings!

You have three buildings. Two planes hit. All three buildings fall down. All four corners of the third building spontaneously start to fall in free-fall at the same instant, just exactly as if a 30'-tall section of the foundation had simultaneously ceased to exist-- and the building pancakes and collapses in place, without leaning and hitting a single building next to it, just as if it had been imploded by a professional team. The local firemen and the news were told to stay out of the building because it was going to come down. According to the NIST, this was "the first known instance of a tall [steel] building brought down by uncontrolled fires", that is, a natural event!

Saudi Terrorists Come from Iraq!

When the FBI claimed they knew that Saudi Arabia-national terrorists flew the suicide flights on 9/11, everyone knew that they were sponsored by Saddam Hussein, the next Hitler!

Saddam had WMD (and no one else in the Middle East did)!

Just the thought that Saddam Husseign could have one nuke, or nerve gas, was enough for the Pentagon to invade Iraq in revenge for 9/11! And Colin Powell got up at the United Nations to say they were hiding WMD! But fortunately, this was a unique instance, as no one else is hiding WMD!

Sharing Hillary's DNC emails was a Russian trick!

All 17 Intelligence agencies--including the Coast Guard, Drug Enforcement, the Treasury, and the Border Patrol--signed off on it! (Or maybe it was simply a tiny handpicked team from the CIA/FBI and the NSA...) And Clinton never denied the veracity of the emails, because she didn't have to-- whether the emails about DNC collusion were true or not did not make any difference, because it was a dirty Russian trick!

The DNC allows voting to decide who the candidate is!

And even if it's not a pre-done smoke-filled back-room deal, this would be legal anyway, a court has ruled! Because the DNC is a private club, and the club can select its own candidates!

Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide!

Two cameras both stopped working, a third camera's output was "unusable", and two guards assigned to watch him both fell asleep for three hours, allowing Epstein to hang himself with his bedsheet, instead of using wires or tubing from his sleep apnea machine! And photos show bottles and medicine standing upright on the top bunk afterwards!

Russians--no, the Iranians--no, the Chinese--are putting bounties on the heads of Americans in Afghanistan!

Each time, just as Pres. Trump was about to pull out of Afghanistan and remove troops so they wouldn't get shot at, U.S. Intelligence revealed those dirty Russians/Iranians/Chinese suddenly paying to have Americans killed in Afghanistan! So the Generals all agreed we had to do a "surge", and send in more American troops so that they could get shot at! Makes sense!

Hunter Biden's Laptop is a Russian trick!

Over 50 intelligence agents signed a letter saying that Hunter's laptop, brought in to the FBI by a computer repairman after Hunter never paid him for the repair and he found damaging national security information on it, must be actually a Russian trick to discredit future Pres. Biden in the election before he could be elected! Even though they admitted they had no evidence of this! And newspapers and online news faithfully repressed reporting on this, out of patriotic duty! And Hunter never denied the veracity of the laptop, because he didn't have to-- whether the laptop was true or not did not make any difference to the dirty Russian trick to discredit the future President!

The Skripal Hoax

The White Helmets, and the Syria Chemical Weapons Hoax

A while back, the people who are running the show from behind the scenes decided that Syria needed to be wiped out.

White Helmets were an elaborate false-flag media team, funded by England and the US

A good start on the White Helmets trail.

This is probably the first time a professional graphics-design production company has teamed up with a professional massacre production company. The marketing company behind the White Helmets were good. They produced Disney-level brochures and news about the White Helmets, so much that they won an Oscar.

And the terrorist production company produced many of the major hits inside Syria.

Here a top professional U.S. analyst takes apart a White Helmets production, reported by CIA/MI6 mouthpiece BellingCat: the bomb that wasn't.

The White Helmets worked with Nour Al Din Zinki terrorists, also funded by America. A video was taken of one of them jocularly torturing and beheading a 12-yr-old boy, Abdullah Issa. White Helmet principal cameraman Muawiya Hassan Agha also filmed himself helping to torture and execute two Syrian prisoners of war. After there was an uproar, Mr. Agha was publicly laid off for inappropriate behavior, and Wikipedia adjusted. However, he was quietly brought back on again, inside three weeks.

White Helmets quietly ambush real firemen, ambulance drivers; take their equipment

August 2016 interviews with the REAL Syria Civil Defence, I was informed that the Nusra Front and associated ‘moderate rebels’ who invaded areas such as East Aleppo, Raqqa, Deir Ezzor, Idlib, massacred crew members of the REAL Syria Civil Defence and stole the majority of their equipment in those areas, including fire engines and ambulances. Many of these armed groups then became White Helmet operatives. Testimony from the REAL Syria Civil Defence suggested that the White Helmets are acting as support for Nusra Front, ISIS and other heavily armed militia described as “moderate rebels”. More...UN document...

Murder in the Sun Morgue

An extremely long and very depressing pdf written by a forensic pathologist, who shows convincingly that Syrian children and POWs, who the public were told died in a gas attack, were actually slaughtered and artistically arranged in the basement of a hospital. Murder methods included blunt instruments on the back of the head (leading to distinctive "racoon eyes"), and slit throats. Murder in the Sun Morgue

Weaponized Communications

America has turned cell phone conversations and internet use into a weapon against all people, in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment. We have to live with the results.

Snowden revealed in 2013 that the NSA is spying on basically all telephone conversations in the United States, as well as all they can get outside the United States. Nothing was done to shut this down.

The NSA spied on the Brazilian president and the German Chancellor. Nothing was done. And recently, Israeli hacking-for-hire company NSO targeted the phones of the President of France, the President of Iraq, the President of South Africa, and the King of Morocco. They even broke into iPhones. Nothing public has been done about this.

The NSA penetrated the phone switches of Afghanistan, and started spying on all conversations in that country in 2013. So the story that they didn't know what the Taliban was doing in advance, nor were unable to predict the rapid takeover of the country, doesn't hold water.

The NSA also spies on phone conversations from at least the Bahamas; the Philippines; Mexico; Iraq; and Kenya, among others.

Many people say, Well, the NSA is recording all these phone conversations, but they're not processing them. This is almost certainly untrue. Even current computer capacity at NSA is enough to run A.I. on every phone conversation going on in the U.S. simultaneously. Future technology will only expand this. The NSA admits to tracking over 500,000,000 U.S. phone calls and texts a year. The actual number is almost certainly much higher, and does not include creative methods employed to circumvent restrictive laws purporting to rein in surveillance.

Senator Feinstein said, Well, the NSA may be recording all these phone conversations, and processing them, but no human has looked at the records, only computers, so we're still safe from being a totalitarian society. This sadly ignores the power of A.I. minds--especially when they start to form opinions and prejudices against people.

Basically, at this point, we're out of luck. Privacy, and the assumption of innocence, has become a thing of the past. We're stuck having to assume that the government, for the most part, has intelligence and good will, and will not use its information to prosecute major portions of the population. This is a very weak crutch to rely on, as people have discovered through the ages.

The balance will only be corrected when citizens are able to watch the actions of government officials to the same level of detail that government officials are able to watch citizens.

All this fear can be made moot by promoting compassion, enlightenment, and critical thinking in the people and in the government.

Weaponized Money and Sanctions

Washington has started using bank deposits, money tracking, and sanctions as offensive weapons of hybrid war against countries it doesn't like. This is a violation of the sacred duty of good stewards to maintain deposits. It will backfire and cause the countries of the world to lose trust in America and the American dollar. This will have important effects that leaders must recognize and anticipate.

America has been acting like a three-year-old with a newly-discovered squeaky-hammer, dealing confiscations and sanctions out left and right with unmitigated glee. Anyone whom the tribe in Washington is displeased with this month gets the hammer. So far U.S./U.K. have confiscated (a polite word for plundered) gold from Syria; Venezuela; Afghanistan; and the Ukraine, and stalled repatriation of German gold for four years. Sanctions are in place against countries or peoples from 41 territories.

Freezing/Confiscating Bank Deposits

Money needs to be owned by the people who earned it.

When assets or money is frozen at the U.S. banks, America often neglects to tell its people whom the money actually belongs to. Then un-freezing money, often worth billions of dollars, is announced to the American public as a concession or a generous gift. When, in fact, it's pirates having to hand back the loot they've stolen. Oh, those wacky pirates.

Unsurprisingly, countries that have an attention span longer than three days tend to remember events like this, and treat them as not especially friendly actions.

This is starting to result in the U.S. dollar being treated like a hot-potato. Intelligent countries get rid of them as fast as they can. Very intelligent countries are starting to avoid making transactions in U.S. dollars in the first place. And this trend will only continue.

Money Tracking and Confiscation

Totalitarian countries require total control over who owns money. This supports confiscation of the money of dissidents and opponents.

In order to transition from a free country to total control, various creative schemes must be used. Some of these include: outlawing cash; outlawing large bills; outlawing gold; outlawing electronic coin.


Sanctions are a time-honored hybrid-warfare way of Americans getting poor people to throw off their chains, overthrow their leaders, and establish a shining democracy. But sanctions don't work. In fact, they end up starving the very same poor people that they were allegedly supposed to help. But America never acknowledges this. So sanctions will continue, until the rest of the world gets together and stops dealing with America. This is already starting to happen in Germany.

In Yemen, US-backed sanctions have helped cause widespread famine, and the world's largest cholera outbreak--2.2M cases.

America professes to help women, children, and civilians, but the actual facts on the ground show that sanctions are worse than carpet bombing. Watch what they do, not what they say.

Leading to the Fall of the PetroDollar

Spiritual leaders must be ready for the U.S. dollar's inflation, as international countries turn away from the dollar and its sanctions. Besides worldwide inflation, this will cause instability and conflict as America lashes out further.

The dollar has reigned supreme after Nixon defaulted on the gold standard, and cleverly pivoted to basing the dollar's value on oil. A secret deal with Saudi Arabia ensured that oil has always in the past been quoted and transacted in U.S. dollars worldwide, thereby ensuring a constant worldwide demand for U.S. dollars. This is called the "petro-dollar".

In particular, China; Russia; Iran; Afghanistan; and perhaps soon India, are quietly stopping using dollars for trade, and investment, as much as possible. And Saudi Arabia threated to stop using dollars if it were opened for potential liability for the 9/11 attacks.

Money represents the life time and the life blood of people. Irreplaceable hours of a life. It is therefore sacred. And so keeping another's money safe, as a fiduciary, is a sacred task. One that must never be violated. See: Former Switzerland, for integrity.

In a desparate attempt to remain relevant and generate more foreign income for its military-industrial complex, America has strong-armed Australia into dumping its French contract for diesel submarines, in favor of American nuclear subs.

The Decline of the American Empire

As the mask falls off, countries from Afghanistan to Libya, Syria, Iraq, Brazil, Germany, and even France learn that "We're Number One" means Americans treat the rest of the world like No.2. It didn't used to be that way. So, many older leaders are having a hard time catching up with the present, and believing what's actually going on.

This new challenge, which is systemic, will continue. It presents further challenges for world peace, as America thrashes out in panic to preserve its seat of former greatness.

Leaders must have pity and compassion for America, and give it space to find its way to its new place in the world; while still holding firm to agreements and commitments with it.

America is in Late Empire stage, and can no longer be trusted to provide reliable leadership in ethics and society. It is up to spiritual leaders to fill this gap with compassion.

For the past hundred years, America has been second to none when it comes to power, in the realms of military; financials; innovation; entertainment; manufacturing; universities and education; medicine; computing; aerospace; engineering; oil refining; plastics; franchise chains; medicines and biotech; international dialogue; and big-picture human rights. [See Further Details if interested.]

These were achieved through a culture of compassion; fairness; hard work; and integrity. Most older people are stuck remembering the days of the Marshall Plan, based on peace through mutual prosperity. When an American said something, you could take it to the bank.

Those days are gone, and it's important to comprehend this fully. America is now the "un-agreement-capable" nation, that breaks its contracts before the ink is dry (JPOA, ABM treaty, Afghan interpreters, NPT, etc). "We're No. 1." has replaced respect for sovereignty and mutual prosperity. Integrity is for losers, as exemplified by "we lied, we cheated, we stole" Sec. State Pompeo, former CIA leader.

What is the result of this bullying and selfishness? The people are not inspired with a spirit of passion. American resources are wasted on pork, boondoggles, and destruction, instead of on creation. And other countries' resources get channeled into creation, to make up for the lack.

The Stages of Hubris

Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad. Ancient Greece well knew the path that those in power tread. It goes like this:

Koros--God's gifts, unappreciated

Koros is indolence, that is, being fat, happy, and spoiled. The situation of being given billions on a silver platter, having all needs met without having to work.

Without being humble, grateful, and having a true Thanksgiving to remember where your good comes from, it opens the door to trouble. This leads to thinking that the good life comes because one is a better human being than those around. This leads to:

Hubris--Arrogant Superiority

Hubris is the conceit of the Exceptional Ones, the Chosen Ones, the Ubermensch, the ones Uber Alles (Over All). They think to lord it over the "ignorant savages", instead of remembering Our Lord's dictum: Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must act as your slave. (Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.)” They forget that God made all people. Liberty and Justice for ALL. This lets them think that the "colored people" are animals, sub-humans. And this leads easily to:


Sometimes it's necessary to kill a village in order to save it. --Posweell

Atë ["ay-tee"] is applied arrogance, moral blindness, and wanton violence. It creates, in the afflicted, the ability to cruelly and brutally humiliate people without any qualms--the way Pharaoh, Herod and Caligula did. The Ate people always rationalize as a "necessary thing" how even the innocent suffer terribly. Seeing wrong as right is Ate --madness. When a politician starts unnecessary wars in which they become even richer (again, the greed of Koros), in which tens of thousands of innocent people are killed and many more impoverished, and the instigators claim they had the “time of their lives”, that is a crime against humanity. Which leads to:

Nemesis--Collapse through Violent Revolution

Nemesis is God reminding you that Thou Shalt Not Kill is, in fact, one of the Ten Commandments. When you brutally humiliate people, and kill people, and make them suffer cruelly, and are so clueless with hubris that you don’t even realize you’re doing it... And when instead of relieving their suffering, you see it as something good and necessary... You’re going to be pretty damned surprised when the people you are oppressing, and exploiting, and killing, rise up and kill you back. You’ll be outraged and consider it ingratitude. They’ll consider it justice.

Tisis--Destruction--Karmic payback is a bitch

Tisis is the punishing destruction dealt out by Karma as a result of Nemesis. How bad it gets depends on how badly you worked at the Atë.

Further Details (may be skipped)

The sources of American power

Americans like to believe that their prosperity comes from God-given superiority in ethics. In reality, America was dominant during the 1900's century due to the following:

Geographic distance. In the age of sailing ships and subsonic airplanes, America was simply too far away for any enemies to launch a serious invasion. Contrast this against France or Russia, which have been invaded seriously a dozen times, some still within living memory.

Last man standing after WWII. England, Germany, France, Japan, Italy, and Russia had been decimated after WWII, leaving only America as the nation with the most money and the best resources. This was quickly capitalized on, to cement America's position as a dominant world power, from what had been a second-tier position behind the British Empire.

Gold, Bretton Woods, and the Petro-Dollar. At the end of WWII, the U.S. controlled 2/3rds of the world's gold. So the U.S. pushed through the Bretton Woods system in 1944 (starting the IMF and the World Bank), which established world currencies being based on gold. In 1971, the U.S. then reneged on the gold standard (under Nixon). This turned the dollar into fiat currency, allowing the U.S. to print and export practically unlimited dollars. But an untied dollar could float through the roof in inflation. So a secret agreement with Saudi Arabia in 1974 required all international oil to be sold in US dollars, thereby effectively basing the value of the dollar on oil instead of gold. This created a constant demand for dollars on an international basis, and also served as a sink for them, ensuring constant outflows (purchasing) on the part of the U.S.

It's important to understand this, because this era is coming to an end. Russian submarine-launched hypersonic missiles can hit the U.S. in 5 minutes, and are unstoppable. America has been replaced by China as the world's center for manufacturing and GDP. And major regions are repudiating the petro-dollar, because it's used for arbitrary sanctions.

Further Discussion

Military. Russia was invaded by 3M troops under Hitler in 1941, and lost 26.6 million lives as a result. Japan invaded China 1937-1945, and China lost to the British Empire, twice, in the Opium Wars, forcing China to buy opium from English drug dealers and destroying its population. But America has never been invaded in living memory. And most people treat the invasion of Washington and the burning of the White House as a distant fairy tale.

(In case you've forgotten, it happened in 1814.)

So Americans instinctively think they are divinely immune from invasion, or even losing. This colors thinking in ways that are not realized.

Both China and Russia have developed missiles that can blow up an entire aircraft carrier. This means that China is not attacking America's ships, not because it can't, but because it would be impolite and cause further problems. However, America still plans to build 10 Ford-class carriers, at roughly $12.5B apiece (2021 dollars), not including the airplanes. And the Army also left billions of dollars of equipment behind in Afghanistan.

America keeps losing to insurgencies, because, like the chicken and the pig forming the restaurant, Americans are there to contribute, while the insurgents are "all in". This is a common problem in late-stage empires. The Romans had the same difficulties.

How Can Religion Survive

Modern young people are not interested in remote historical events that happened a couple thousand years ago. They need to know things that are going to be relevant to their own lives, today. (See list below.)

So in order for religion to survive in the current environment, it must offer relevant answers to real-world modern problems.


The world is already rapidly changing. In five years it's going to be completely different, and it eight years, it's going to be completely different again.

So you must skate to where the puck is going. You need to start preparing right now for the future that is barreling down the highway right at us, soon to hit.

What does that future look like?

Cell phones way smarter than you

Your cell phone is going to understand everything. It's going to be much smarter than you. Even smarter than your grandfather.

Entertainment will be compelling and ubiquitous

Videos, music, sports, and video games will be way more intense than they are even right now. Your material is going to have to compete with this for attention-- or join its methods.

Most education will be done through entertainment

When computers are smart enough so that there's a human-level computer for each child and each adult, education and animations can be custom-designed and built on the fly.

And even before then, general edutainment will be all over.

Think Sesame Street on steroids.

Religious and moral training will be done through entertainment

When all education is done through movies, video, songs, and games, then religious education will have to be done through this, as well, in order to keep up.

Probably a good idea to start preparing for this now.

Government will attempt to take over indoctrination

Government indoctrination, even in supposedly free countries, is getting more and more severe quite rapidly.

As governments feel like they're losing control, and step up to exert more totalitarianism, expect them to take control of entertainment, and education channels, as well.

It's important to be ready for this.

Religious leaders must specify what robots and entertainment producers should teach

There are so many entertainment producers that are out of work, just sitting around waiting for opportunities, that it's not funny.

Religious leaders should start putting together the content that they want to convey.

Knowing how to make content is not important. There are people who already know that. Having an idea of what to communicate is the key problem. Then, you simply get the robot brains, and the right people, to make it happen for you.

Finally, having an audience that you can reach is also key. Business folks call this "marketing". "Veggie Tales" did a great job. Once the content has been produced, someone still has to know how to get it in front of eyes to watch it.

And here's a list of some of the existential questions your folks are dealing with right now:

Real-World Modern Concerns

Things like:
  • How can I respect myself?
  • How can I find meaning & purpose in my life, and feed my soul?
  • How can I find a decent romantic partner? What criteria should I use?
  • Food prices are going up, and my job, if I have one, is shaky. How can I qualify for, find and get a better job?
  • How can I manage my money?
  • Why should I pay attention to long-term responsibility when the short-term present is so difficult and harsh?
  • How can I schedule my time?
  • How can I manage my work relationships?
  • How can I manage my romantic relationships?
  • How can I resist giving in to concrete temptations, in favor of abstract benefits?
  • My boss asked me to do something that's vaguely wrong. What should I do?
  • The government seems to be run by ninnies and tyrants. We're going to crash & burn. What should I do?
  • My friend has an addiction problem. What should I do?
  • I've got so many "friends" on social media, and yet I feel so lonely and empty. What should I do?
  • All the people around me look like they're leading beautiful, happy, cheerful, and exciting lives in their photos and stories. Yet I feel ugly, stupid, and dull. What should I do?
  • Everywhere I turn, the government is telling us to panic. I feel filled with vague dread and fear. What should I do?
  • I've got health issues, and my future looks uncertain. What should I do?
  • My romantic partner divorced me/blew me off. How can I cope?
  • My family member died. How can I cope?
  • What's it all for, anyway? Life seems futile and absurd. Why should I keep on striving?
  • Where is beauty?

Future Concerns

Giving people too much freedom does not solve everything, it simply causes a different set of questions. Ones that people have not been trained to answer. Like:

  • If I don't have any other countries/peoples to hate, who AM I?
  • What am I going to do for a job, now that there's no jobs to be found?
  • If robots are so much smarter than I am, where's the meaning in life?
  • What am I going to DO with my life?

The Tempting Road to Totalitarianism

The human Teenage Parent instinct, aka "Puritanism", believes that survival depends on control of others, and thrashing punishment for all those who step out of line. For their own good. But the real world is a messy place. So those who bring too much Order, as the Nazis did, actually turn into Agents of Chaos.

But each step makes so much sense.

Without Adult high-level gestalt thinking, to push back, the tempting road to a totalitarian Hell is paved with good intentions, and each small step becomes a ratchet that's never removed.

Here is a first pass at a subjective grading of the various degrees of totalitarianism. These things are always easier to see from the outside.

You can use these steps to calibrate the level of totalitarian control in your own country, and predict what happens next.

Once the Killbot, Robot, and A.I. Godling revolutions happen, add at least two or three steps, based on computer efficiency.

Level 0: Adults Take Responsibility

  • There are so many different cultures that no one bothers to even think about them. You can go to 14 different kinds of restaurants in one week.
  • Mixed racial couples, and mixed kids, are so common that no one even thinks about them or notices them in the supermarket. It's simply not a thing. See: Hawaii.
  • People are taught to think for themselves, and how to do it. There is enough information freely available online for anyone to research any topic.
  • Many people, and many countries, have different opinions about things. People think this is normal. People respect other people's opinions, and have the freedom to hold their own opinions.
  • People hail and recognize each other on the street. Everyone knows who their neighbors are. A neighborhood community means something.
  • The press is motivated, fair, and independent, and is able to report on things various factions in the government do wrong without any repurcussions.
  • The press has integrity, and reports on wrongdoings.
  • Laws are in place that the government is not allowed to propagandize its citizens. These laws are respected.
  • Government corruption is punished. Publicly.
  • People are given speedy and public trials, with a jury of their peers.
  • Policy is decided by a contest of ideas, rather than a contest of deception, money, or fighting. The best ideas win.
  • Government is run as a meritocracy. The best people win, no matter what color they are.

Level 1: Some Order Feels Needed

  • People are taught that their culture is better than any other culture, instead of simply just being different, and part of God's fantastic mosaic of creation.
  • Children are taught from a young age that their leaders are wise and generally always right, and that they need to be patriotic and follow their country. People who get killed doing something their leaders ordered them to do, are worshipped as "brave heroes".
  • People from different cultures are "exotic" and "interesting".
  • Laws are passed to "protect whistleblowers", because there's growing backlash against people who point out wrong. These laws eventually prove ineffective.
  • The press looks the other way on wrongdoings, until they become obvious.
  • Law enforcement agencies keep files on people.

Level 2: More Rules Pile Up

  • Limited NewSpeak. Other hated governments are "regimes". Criminals are "terrorists".
  • Limited precautionary surveillance of key foreign leaders.
  • The government creates government-sponsored news channels, "to present our side of the story".
  • The secret police plan to subvert media.
  • Private, competing agencies keep credit files on people. These files are used to determine what kind of house they can buy.

Level 3: It's Not Enough

  • Limited precautionary surveillance of key citizens.
  • Laws against propagandizing your own citizens are repealed.
  • Manichean thinking starts. Our side is always Good. The other side is always Bad. Events are presented in terms of cardboard Bond villains. The effort to dumb down the population starts.
  • Government is run by what color and what faction the people are. Quotas are put into place. People of questionable merit, but loyal to the Party, are promoted over talent, because "they'll be popular with the people".
  • The government implements No-Fly lists of obvious terrorists.

Level 4: We're Starting to Lose Control

  • The State becomes paranoid. Ubiquitous surveillance programs are quietly started, violating previous norms on privacy.
  • Entrapment. Citizens get imprisoned for conspiring to plot actions against the state, but it's revealed that the leaders and half of the conspirators were hired by the government.
  • Hiring murderous mercenaries on the quiet, to do your dirty work for you.
  • Demonization of outside political leaders. [Fill in blank] is the "next Hitler".
  • Arbitrary confiscation of assets and cash, called "civil forfeiture". Police use this excuse to steal from citizens.

Level 5: It's All THEIR Fault

  • Dehumanization of the Other. The opposing population is "Colorado Beetles", "Gooks", "Japs", "Chinks", "Krauts", "Norks", "towel-heads", etc. They are named as insects and monkeys.
  • The Great Leader announces: "You're either with us, or against us."
  • Antibodies form in society. Foreign ideas are violently rejected.
  • Anyone who attempts to apply common sense, or think about issues from different sides, gets violently shouted down.
  • Foreign and dissident news sources are passive-aggressively targeted, e.g. as "foreign agents" that need to register and pay licenses. Except for the foreign sources that are Party line.
  • Top whistleblowers are put into solitary, or maximum-security dungeons.
  • Jury trials are denigrated as "quaint". Trials are performed by a single judge.
  • Efforts to track all money. "Large" transactions over $10,000 must be quietly reported to the secret police.

Level 6: HATE. HATE. HATE.

  • Medium level of hatred promulgated constantly. Bogeyman nation blamed for any disturbances, without evidence.
  • Blatant NewSpeak. Murderous mercenaries are "moderate jihadis" and "aid workers". Torture is "enhanced interrogation".
  • The government creates secret government-sponsored troll farms, to spam the Party line.
  • Corrupt leaders blatantly lie in full view of the public. This is considered normal. No one even thinks about doing anything about it. Government is simply more-organized crime.
  • Foreign and dissident news sources are actively targeted, blocked, and de-platformed. Other nations start blocking your Party news, as being secret-police efforts to overthrow their government.
  • Allies of the Party get away with literal torture, dismemberment, massacres of hundreds of civilians. The Party shrugs.
  • "Terrorists" are given military trials, with a military judge, without juries.
  • Press and public are actively discouraged from attending trials, due to various excuses (covid, electronic feed is down, crowded rooms only allow 6 people, passports get lost, privacy concerns, special viewing lists, etc.)
  • Efforts to control and de-legitimatize alternative money. Gold, bit-coin are made illegal to own.
  • Arbitrary confiscation, seizing, freezing of money and assets of countries, leaders, NGOs, and political parties the government doesn't like.

Level 7: You'd Better Come With Us

  • Bolshevik/Jacobite/Puritans/Right Wing/NeoCons/NeoLibs take control, for its own sake. Get drunk on power.
  • Speech Crime. Citizens get imprisoned because of what they say.
  • Weaponized NewSpeak. Journalists are "non-state hostile actors", and so may be kidnapped and imprisoned in maximum-security dungeons. Entire populations are "terrorists"--terrorist men, terrorist women, terrorist children, and little terrorist babies.
  • Political opponent civilians are named "domestic terrorists". The State starts considering use of force against large population segments to ensure dominance of the ruling Party.
  • Roving gangs spontaneously stomp outsiders, especially mixed couples who are dating "our women" or tempting "our men".
  • The secret police create secret government-sponsored troll farms, to astro-turf artificial support for revolutions overthrowing other governments.
  • New leaders are chosen by oligarchs in smoke-filled back rooms. Voting by the plebes is subverted, so that elections look contested, but they're not. The second-tier Party candidate resigns at the last minute, leaving only one choice on the ballot.
  • States use secret police to hack into private corporations, and expose the assets of leaders they don't like. These are augmented with false data and computer-generated "artists' conceptions", reported as truth.
  • Accused, and their lawyers if any, are not informed of the charges until at the trial.
  • Important trials are held in secret. With no press allowed.
  • Efforts to control and de-legitimatize some cash. Large bills made illegal to own.
  • Banning citizens the government doesn't like from using Paypal, credit cards.

Level 8: Kill The Impure

  • High level of hatred promulgated constantly. Bogeyman nation blamed for economy, illnesses, .
  • Paranoid Indoctrination. All children and teenagers taught the rest of the world is out to get you.
  • Beatings and starvings in jail.
  • State-sponsored lynching parties by militias are encouraged.
  • Krystallnachts. Gangs break store windows and loot in "protest", while police and authorities look on. Grocery stores destroyed, leading to further starvation of the poorest people.
  • Efforts to control and de-legitimatize all cash. ALL transactions must be done electronically, and must be approved by the government.
  • Banning citizens the government doesn't like from using money.
  • Arbitrary jailing of leaders the government doesn't like, using thin excuses.

Level 9: Big Brother Owns Your Life

  • Kidnap Squads. Routine 5am government goon-squad raids on the cockroaches, to imprison them for crimes against the state.
  • Torture taught as an art form.
  • Government sends goon squads to trash the offices of non-Party press.
  • Arbitrary killing of other-country leaders the government doesn't like, using thin excuses.

Level 10: Totalitarian Control Achieved

  • Pre-Crime. Citizens get imprisoned because of "things they'll do in the future".
  • Thought Crime. Citizens get imprisoned because of what they think.
  • The secret police spy on their own government leaders. When this is revealed, nothing is done about it.
  • Arbitrary killing of own-country leaders the government doesn't like, using thin excuses.

Level 11: Chaos Reigns Supreme

  • Concentration camps. Ethnic cleansing of neighborhoods. It is important to remember that America had concentration camps. George Takei, Star Trek's Sulu, was imprisoned in one of these, simply because he was a Japanese-American. Here is a song to remind you.
  • Death Squads. 5am goon assassination raids on the cockroaches.
  • Government literally bombs press buildings of the opposition.
  • The secret police create secret government-sponsored troll farms, to astro-turf artificial support for revolutions overthrowing their own government.

Level 12: Exterminate Your Own

  • Death Camps. Active government extermination of inconvenient populations.
  • Government gains total control of its people, but is still not satisfied.
  • Any change or dissent is viewed as an existential threat, and mercilessly stamped out.
  • Innovation collapses. Technology is frozen at the year State gained absolute power. No one is allowed to do anything that might change this.

Level 13: Conquer, Enslave, Exterminate Others

  • Dropping atomic/nuclear bombs on rival civilian cities
  • Attempts to slaughter other countries
  • Active invasions
  • Super-secret police formed to spy on the secret police. Cabals in the government spying on each other. Government turns into gang warfare between factions.

Basics of Peace

Peace comes through Angry Young Men having Decent Jobs

When young men have decent jobs; are earning a living and can put food on the table; and have meaning & purpose in their lives, then there is no time and no need for protests, hate groups, nor invasions.

A primary task of peaceworkers is therefore to make sure that there are enough decent, meaningful jobs to go around.

(Note that these salaries can only come from rich people who have worthwhile ideas and extra money to pay for employment. So the European idea of taking everyone's money away for "equality" only ends up in everyone being equally poor. And tasking the government to run salaries or welfare for everyone almost always ends up with worse, inefficient, meaningless, wasteful operations.)

The task of the Agents of Chaos is then to prevent good jobs from being created, to destroy meaning by rendering each day a struggle for survival, and to make young men more angry.

Spiritual leaders can counter this by inspiring employers to create good jobs and treat their workers fairly; by inspiring workers to find meaning in honest toil; not warfare; and by enlightening people to become less angry, by seeing more clearly how the real world works.


The instinctive purpose of a young man is to protect the women and children; to start and care for a family, if possible; and to care for himself. Young males of all species fight over access to females; turf; and putting food on the table; and in this way, young humans (although more evolved) are not much different from baboons, alligators, or even crayfish. And this is why all the armies of the world, throughout all times historic and modern, are staffed almost exclusively with men. What a curious fact, if we stop to actually think about it!

And one main characteristic of teenagers is being angry. Anger comes from having expectations that are different from the current reality. The real world is a messy place. When unrealistic expectations don't match, and you think the world "should" be a different way, then frustration, anger, and perceived unfairness cause pressure.

Peace through Trade and Prosperity

If folks are buying and selling, they're not shooting.

Trade is a wonderful thing, because both the buyer's and the seller's lives are enriched. (So it's not "zero-sum".)

And trade acts as an antidote to the yahoos and the Agents of Chaos who want to start wars.

For instance, simply remind people that all of their goods from WalMart and Amazon come from China. And if America starts a hot war with China, either most of the goods that they buy will disappear, or they'll become more than twice as expensive. People who are capable of rational thought will then think twice about starting a war of aggression.

Trade also brings prosperity to a region. As we saw, when employers are rich enough to be able to pay workers a decent salary for meaningful work that makes others happy, then there's less starving and less rebellions going on--more satisfaction.

For these reasons, projects such as China's "Belt and Road Initiative", or Russia's "Nord Stream 2" pipeline, if executed peacefully without terrorism, will bring peace and stability to their entire regions.

Peace through Cultural Appreciation

You don't hurt the people you love.

Limerance, the emotion of Wonderfulness, is given to babies; attractive & beautiful people, places; great music; beautiful scenery; and great arts. It saves difficult children from being left in the forest for wolves by stupid, thick-headed adults. And it can save your country and your people as well.

Kyoto, the gem of Japan, was dedicated in 794 AD. Its gorgeous treasures include the Golden Pavilion, built in 1397 AD; the Silver Pavilion, groundbreaking February 21, 1482 AD; and Ryōan-ji Temple, the site of the world's most famous Zen garden, rebuilt in 1488 AD. Altogether, there are 17 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kyoto.

When fascist Imperial Japan was busy killing, raping, and conquering other "subhuman" countries, America decided it would nuke Kyoto to "send them a message" and "teach them a lesson". So Kyoto was saved from the massive civilian slaughter of the Tokyo firebombings, to be the cherry on top of the sundae to be consumed last in an orgy of destruction.

But one man had been to Kyoto on his honeymoon, and seen how beautiful it was--the Paris of the East. He fell in love with the city. That man was Henry L. Stimson, the U.S. Secretary of War. And he spoke up to the generals, and to the President, that Kyoto must not be bombed. So, at the last minute, they swapped it for Nagasaki on the list of cities to nuke instead.

How much do foreigners know of your country? How much do your people know of foreign countries? How large is your student exchange program? Do you actively encourage sending students out, to learn about other countries, and see that they're human beings too? Do you actively welcome other countries' tourists and students, to learn the best features of your country? Do you put Youtube videos up on the web of your country's most beautiful arts and culture?

The Agents of Chaos can only move forward with their wars when the population is dumbed down, so that they think that the Other is threatening, sub-human, or non-human. But recent research has shown that ordinary people are only xenophobic when they believe that there's a danger, that the different, outside people might attack them. Otherwise they consider them "exotic" and "interesting".

What can you do to increase the appreciation of world culture, so that people come to learn that we're all God's children, we're all human beings dealing with the same challenges in life?

Peace comes through Truth

People who understand what's actually going on can make informed decisions. But know not yourself, and know not your opponent, and every encounter is fraught.

But vampires hate mirrors. Because it exposes their evil.

Vampires cannot stand to look at themselves squarely. Sunlight fries evil. For this reason, vampires prefer to operate in the shadows, inside the blue fog, in the depth of midnight.

Peace comes through Compassion

Mercy trumps Justice.

Revenge is Mine, says The Lord.

Everyone is trying to do the best they can, with what they know.

Countries that can see that the other people are human, and can put themselves in their shoes, can cooperate, and live together in peace.

Cooperation is exponentially more profitable than competition. Exponentially.

Imagine if football players were paid based on the number of goals that they scored. Instead of facing off against each other, they would get on the same side and face in the same direction.

Then they would score one goal after another. Hundreds, even thousands.

The game would be "boring and predictable" without any conflict. But the results would be fantastic.

It's like that in business, and in international relations, when you can have compassion for the human-ness of the Other, and work in the same direction towards the same goals.

Everyone wants Peaceful & Quiet Enjoyment. Everyone deserves an environment where the mothers have enough to eat, and the kids grow up with food on their plates, not living in fear.

Peace through Uncontrolled Currency

Being able to keep what you earn is the foundation of a fair society. Money that works, and holds its value, is required for this. When the government inflates money with MMT, it stealth-steals from the people. And when the government confiscates wealth and money, there is no reason to remain in the country.

Inflation steals from people because the price of money earned today can no longer buy the same things tomorrow.

People are not stupid when it comes to money. They can sense when a currency is becoming worthless.

A good government protects its currency, and protects the currency of other countries.

And a bad government destroys the value of its own currency, and goes out of its way to destroy the currency of other countries.

Real world peace comes through stable currency. Then the people can sleep in peace.

Surface Background: What's Going On

Facing squarely the real world how it is, allows us to better envision the world how it should be.

But much has been hidden, on purpose.

So let's briefly explore some of the things you might not be aware of, so that we can get on the same page for how to make things better for everyone.

One Picture which Says It All

This magnificent picture from LIFE's "The Epic of Man" shows a tribe of predators from 10,000 years ago. By beating the war drums and yelling in unison, they create panic in a herd of peaceful wild asses who were minding their own business. They get the herd to stampede, all in the same direction. Then they send the herd over the cliff to their destruction. And the people waiting at the bottom prey on them and take apart what's left, thereby becoming rich off of their bones.

This is a useful cautionary picture, and a warning to the kind of things that might happen if religious leaders are not on their toes.

Not much has changed in 10,000 years until today, and humans are still running the same patterns, using the same genes that were used for tribal cave-man times a couple millenia back.

But the world has changed around us. It is no longer the right thing to prey on wild asses by sending them stampeding over the cliff. And soon, when we have to share the planet with a new form of life that thinks much faster than we do, it won't do to bequeath to our robot children the killer reflexes that early humans had to use to survive.

The robots will learn by example, and by instruction. We need your input on how the robots should behave, which you can give to the world through the Brainstorm Blog linked at the bottom of the page.

Endless War: The Self-Licking Ice-cream Cone

Modern American wars are designed to be endless occupations, without many American deaths. Then we have to buy equipment, and keep sending troops into the country, in order to protect the troops we have in the country. It's a self-licking ice-cream cone.

Our current status: War is the biggest business there is

War is BIG business, with HUGE numbers of employees and HUGE money. In order to shift even some of this workforce into something more productive--such as education, energy, poverty reduction, or humanities such as child/teenager/elderly care--it is necessary to understand just how big war is today, and where we are, in the first place.

The primary overriding fact of the real world is that the United States Dept. of Defense, even just by itself, is the world's largest employer. At 1.4M active duty service members, 750K civilians, and over 811K National Guard/Reserve, plus 200K assorted, its total of 3.2M employees dwarfs that of Walmart, the largest company, with 2.3M employees worldwide, or the People's Liberation Army of China, also with 2.3M employees. McDonalds worldwide, and the Ministry of Defence of Russia, are down at a paltry 1.9M.

The U.S. Dept. of Defense is also the world's largest employer by budget, at approx. $700B per year. Walmart "only" makes $560B revenue per year, trailed by Amazon ($385B) and Apple ($275B).

But this does not include the employees from the spin-offs from Defense revenues, including principally Lockheed Martin ($45B); Boeing ($27B); Raytheon ($24B); Northrop Grumman ($22B); and General Dynamics ($19B); with honorable mention to U.K.'s BAE Systems ($23B) and France's Thales Group ($9B).

That's a lot of employees putting bread on the table for their families.


Military / Industrial / Intelligence / Surveillance / Media Complex Hegemony

It's all one big eco-system.

The Intelligence community justifies itself and the Military. Intelligence controls the Media, and Media welcomes the sensational stories that it gets from Intelligence and the Military.

The Defense Industry gets paid by the Military, and in turn lobbies its Congressmen to keep on spending on big weapons systems that provide many jobs--not on small stuff that actually works. When costs overrun on the projects, they are not terminated, but are deemed too big to fail.

The second-tier Surveillance, and Mercenary, contractors are hired by Intelligence to do their really dirty work for them. This keeps the actions off the books, and gives them plausible deniability.

All in all, the system exists because the system exists. It is a self-licking ice-cream cone.

The good news is this keeps assassins mostly off the streets in the West. Remember, Iraq had huge problems. When the occupying forces fired all of the remaining Iraqi special forces, and sent them home with no jobs, it was the start of ISIS. So one has to watch out for unintended consequences.

The Media Story Wars

As discussed in The Great Dumbing Down section, the media's main job is marketing and sales for the War Complex. Wars are now fought and won in the news, in sanctions, and in lawfare, not so much on the ground. Countries that know how to stand up for themselves and dispell lies with truth, can make headway in the modern world.

Good media now requires an understanding of good stories.

Countries, and groups, that can tell a good story, can stand on their own.

Countries, and groups, that do not have a good grasp of how to communicate a good story in English, get creamed.

Fortunately, in the days of declining empires, bullies are very sloppy. They do not use any evidence. They project their own feelings onto the other, and state things that completely do not make any sense.

Groups would do well to study the truth-telling and communication patterns of Virginia Satir. In the 1980's, this used to be called "assertive communication" [not aggressive], although this term has changed and shifted meanings recently.

For instance, one secret is to say what you perceive, and say what you feel. Both of these are privileged information, and cannot sanely be corrected by the other party. If you say, "I see X, and I feel Y", can they say, "No, you see A, and you feel B"? It would not make any sense at all.

Explain where you are coming from, and what you think to be the best way to go, and eventually people with integrity will be forced to treat you like a real human being.

Deep Background: What you need to know to help your people

There is an Annotated list of books and concepts in a pdf handout which you can take home, which covers, in decreasing order of importance, the background that you need.

The rest, here, is mostly repetition of these.

How Countries Can Learn

	Autobiography in Five Short Chapters
	by Portia Nelson

I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in. I am lost. I am helpless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I still don't see it. I fall in again.
I can't believe I am in the same place.
It isn't my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it there, I still fall in.
It's habit. It's my fault. I know where I am.
I get out immediately.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

I walk down a different street.

Overview: The Big Picture

In an ancient Saturday Night Live comedy routine, Father Guido Sarducci had a one-minute university class in which he taught people the few concepts they would remember after five years. This humble exposition is at this level. Each of these books reviewed here is a gem; if you want to know more, you should dive in deep at the original source.

Before we get started, here are three key concepts you must know in order to even begin to understand peace:

"Righteously Screwed"--Oshry's New Emotion You'll Recognize Instantly

Barry Oshry proposes the new emotion of "Righteously Screwed".

"Righteously Screwed" is what you feel when you come home and find you've been robbed.

"Righteously Screwed" is what you feel when a country bombs your home into oblivion, kills your family, and then lectures you about "democracy".

"Righteously Screwed" is what you feel when a country steals your gold, sanctions your imports and exports, and then laughs at you because you don't have enough money to feed your people.

"Righteously Screwed" is what you feel when people judge you by the color of your skin or where you come from, not by how you act.

More things you need to know about "Righteously Screwed":


Pitchforks and Torches: Enragement and Revenge

"Righteously Screwed" is the single most important emotion driving all insurgencies and political revolutions.

Unfairness and Monkeys

Most people think "fairness" is a basic emotion, but it's actually "unfairness". Fairness is simply avoiding unfair situations.

Unfairness goes at least all the way back to monkeys, who have no spoken words language that we know of. But even monkeys have a clear grasp of unfairness.

In a psychology experiment, a researcher gave a caged monkey a cucumber slice, for doing a task: handing out a pebble. The monkey was perfectly satisfied, and ate the cucumber slice. But then the researcher gave a monkey in the cage next door a treasured grape, for doing the same task.

When the first monkey saw the increase in pay, it became jealous. It immediately handed out another pebble.

But when it was rewarded with another cucumber slice, that monkey felt righteously screwed at the unfairness. It became enraged. It hurled the cucumber slice back at the researcher, uneaten, and started cursing at her in monkey. It threw a temper tantrum, pounded the walls, and pounded the floor with its arm. And even the next cucumber slice again got rejected and hurled back.

Christ had a parable about this, Mat 20:1-16, about day laborers who go to work in a vineyard. The workers hired at the beginning of the day agree to work for one coin. The owner hires more workers in the middle, and towards the end of the day. He pays them first, with one coin. But when he goes to pay the first workers one coin, they grumble that they worked more, and should therefore get paid more. The owner responds, Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?

Getting To Yes

Getting To Yes

Getting To Yes

Seeing Systems (Oshry)

Introduction to Oshry

Why Are Humans The Way They Are?

Here we introduce critical knowledge that explains much of why people fail to get along.

Victimization, and the Karpman Drama Triangle

Getting To Yes

Dinosaur Brains

People have inherited their instincts from the dinosaurs. Humans are built with a new [mammalian] brain riding on top of an old dinosaur brain, which controls basic emotions. You feel like you're acting rationally, but most of the time you, and the people around you, are simply responding to basic reptilian scripts.

Note that chickens (and snakes, and crocodiles) are some of the last living dinosaurs. If you want to know how people will act in a particular social situation, you can just ask how a bunch of chickens would act. And you'll get an uncomfortably accurate answer.

Berstein hilariously presents seven lizard-brain heuristics, behavior patterns, that the lizard-brain in humans use for coping with "all" situations. With notes added:

Get It Now!

Dinosaurs win by being impulsive, and by being the first at the trough in a feeding frenzy. Countering impulse requires thinking things through. But in an exciting or dangerous time, the limbic system short-circuits the rational brain, and impulsive emotional reactions take over. (See also: Kahneman, "Thinking, Fast & Slow".)

This results in impatient "fire-fighters" who are easily bored. To these people, details are already known, or are unimportant-- no need to discuss what's going on, I know already, it's time for action.

Unfortunately, in the real world, the devil is in the details-- and follow-through, completing the job, requires patience. Coping with people requires not blowing your top, not acting instinctively. And making ethical decisions requires careful weighing of alternatives, and their consequences.

Fight, Flight, or Fright--the Adrenaline response

The fight, flight, or fright reflex is an extremely basic one, found even as far back as in crayfish. When an immanent attack comes, the choices are between: a fight to the death; running away; or panic and freezing. All of these shut down rational thinking.

One problem comes when the lizard-brain of people interpret threats to their self-esteem, the esteem of their loved ones, or even of their god, as personal threats to their very life. As if the Creator of the galaxies needs your help in defending His honor. But people are social creatures, and so losing face or losing status can be interpreted, by the lizard brain, as a fate worse than death.

So human battles for face can get quite serious.

A second problem arises with the human capacity for imagination, rumination, and replay. Humans get stuck on slights, real or imagined, in their minds. They replay them over and over again. The YouTube movie gets stuck on Loop Replay. Unfortunately, the imagination polishes the details so that your side comes out shining and is always right, whereas the other side comes out darker and darker and is always wrong. Then this can serve as an endless reservoir of motivation for revenge.

A third problem comes from habitual aggression. Aggressive fighters look at every situation in Manichean terms: there must be a winner, and there must be a loser. And losers are suckers. Don't be a sucker. With such an attitude even coming in to the situation before it begins, it guarantees that there will almost always be a fight, even if the other side was not thinking that way.

Bernstein notes: It's almost always not a hostile world that's coming after you. Know that it's you that's a hostile person. [And we'll learn later that karma reigns: What goes around, comes around.]

Flight shows up as indecision, avoidance, and procrastination. Time management problems come from quietly skewed priorities, resulting in handling the little stuff while the big stuff always gets put off for later.

Panic mostly manifests as phobias. [However, we'll see later that the government often uses panic to keep people from rational thinking, which is useful in launching detrimental initiatives.]

Aggression, fear, and panic show up in various rules:

  • Get Even
  • Never Admit You're Wrong
  • Quietly run from stuff that looks too hard
  • It's too big, someone else will handle it
  • Be Perfect
  • Don't Trust Anybody
  • Cover Your Tail
Most of these instinctive situations will be extremely familiar.

Be Dominant!

Chickens have a pecking order. The big or tough chickens get to peck on the medium-sized chickens, and push them around. And the medium-sized chickens get to peck on the small, scrawny chickens.

The dominant chickens get first choice for food, mates, and a good place to sleep. So pecking order is really important to the chicken brain.

And each chicken knows its place in the hierarchy. This prevents unnecessary fights, which use up energy inefficiently.

When one chicken gets too uppity, the dominant chicken will peck to "subdue" him, to "teach him a lesson", to make him "know your place". Then this turns into a dominance fight, a fight for authority.

But if the other chicken wins, then the pecking order gets shuffled, and gets re-established.

All this is quite important to the chicken brain.

[Under Wilson's "Prometheus Rising", we'll learn later that the military concentrates on being dominant. In fact, "Full Spectrum Dominance" is the explicit goal of the Pentagon.]

[Dominance instincts block mutually-beneficial cooperation; being friends on a mutually-respecting basis; and the entitlement of people living on a land to Peaceful And Quiet Enjoyment. See also surveillance state, totalitarianism.]

Chicken dinosaur brain rules include:

  • There's only one pecking order, and you're either on top or underneath
  • You have to be aggressive and tough in order to survive
  • If someone falls out, they didn't have what it takes. Too bad. The loss of the weak is of no consequence. [See: Afghanistan.]
  • Every disagreement is a vital contest for dominance
  • The Top Dogs are above the law.

Turf wars. Defend The Territory!

Turf wars are so basic that they need little explanation. [Again, even crayfish fight turf wars.] Turf ties into the instinctive need for ownership. My land. My car. My children. My food. My food. My home.

But Bernstein points out turf can also apply to job titles; assignments; budgets; careers; and even information.

And turf comes from the concept that physical space is limited, not abundant; and that it's all already owned by someone else. [So, if you're a settler, you have to take it from someone else. And it's a zero-sum game. It's all about stealing. And there's never enough to go around. We'll see later that information is abundant and not subject to these rules; and, when you relax these assumptions, and assume that you have enough already, interesting things happen.]

[Modern turf applies to colonies; trade routes; and transit rights. If a country has always owned another country as a proxy, and run military bases in it, then that country feels like it "owns" that turf. Any usurpation, even by the very inhabitants of that colony, feels like a vital insult. See: the British Empire of the 1800s; Gandhi; Saigon; etc.]

[We'll also find out that when you take ownership away from people of things that they should own, such as home, family, livelihood, private information, freedom of speech, and free will, then unpleasant things tend to happen.]

Get the Mate!

Humans are subject to instinctive mating behaviors, including gift-giving, dating, and touching. When these are unwanted or inappropriate, hilarity ensues.

If It Hurts, Hiss!

Bernstein breaks down Complaining into two parts: Blaming, and Telling People About It.

We'll see that Blaming is a key part of the Victimization drama.

Science of Mind also teaches one must get rid of Blame, Shame, and Regret, in order to move forward. Life is what it is. The way to learn is to make mistakes. If you're not making some mistakes, then you're not learning. However, one must distinguish between making mistakes with the best of intentions, and making mistakes with malevolent intent. Letting go of Blame does not mean letting go of Responsibility; if someone has made serious mistakes, they are responsible for making things right. But it does mean Forgiveness, a big one which we'll cover later. Remember that Forgiveness means letting go of rumination, not going soft in the head.

Like Me, GOOD; Not Like Me, BAD

Dinosaur instincts are the root of our xenophobia. People instinctively trust their family, their in-group, their school team, and their national leaders over others. And they instinctively distrust outsiders.

Note, however, a recent CMU study that showed that people only distrust others who look like they might be threatening to them. In fact, different people, who are not threatening, are seen as exotic or interesting. It means that, on the whole, left to their own devices, boys and girls of different cultures and races will interact and learn about each other. And the result will be something like Hawaii, which has some of the most beautiful people in the world. (See: Romeo (Montague) and Juliette (Capulet).) But this will happen only if the leaders stop stirring up hatred and trouble.

Child / Gangbanger / Teenage Parent / Adult Theory

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Emotional Vampires

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Best Practices on Living Your Own Life

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So...What are you going to DO about it?

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Best Practices on How to Get Along

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Getting To Yes

Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

This is a classic book from the Harvard Negotiation Project. Basic principles include:

Agree on what you can both agree on.

Don't Bargain over Positions.

Separate the People from the Problem.

Focus on Interests, Not Positions

Invent Options for Mutual Gain

Insist on Using Objective Criteria.

That is, base agreements on something that is measurable, not subjective; not the opinion of one side or the other;

Why Marriages Succeed Or Fail ()

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Love is the answer: Living, Loving, and Learning(Sarducci)

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Seeing Systems (Oshry)

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Seeing Systems (Oshry)

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The Balance of Forces

Most people think that government is a solid, static structure something like a foundation slab. You pour it once, and then use it to build structures on.

In reality, government, and its relation with the people, is closer to a Tensegrity structure.


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Dinosaur Brains (Berstein)

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Attraction, Dating, and Marriage

Much conflict comes about because of the way that Mother Nature, representing the aspect of God as Evolution, goes about keeping humans on the planet.

Before humans could talk, it was necessary for animals to be able to procreate without any instructions from the outside. Thus, whole patterns and circuits had to be set up, to be hardwired.

In the case of procreation and families, the familiar steps are roughly:

  • Attraction. Male is attracted to attractive Female. Female is attracted to attractive Male. This (i) captivates Attention; (ii) engages Limerance, so each thinks the other is Wonderful, thereby activing Mating circuits and suppressing Beat Up, Kill, and Consume circuits; (iii) engages Approach behaviors
  • Male and Female hang out with each other.
  • Male and Female get physically close to each other. Things progress almost automatically, in the usual way.
  • Female gets pregnant and produces a baby. Promulgation of the species gains another round.
  • Maybe if you're lucky, Male hangs around and forms a family with Female.

How Money Works

In order to provide good lives for your people, and good advice for your government leaders, it is critical that you understand how money works.

Key concepts include:

More... How Money Works...

Quick Intro to Robot Brains

This is a brief review of the next form of life on this planet. All of these characteristics are obvious to professional roboticists.

Robots consist of Robot Brains and Robot Bodies

We already have robot brains--everyone is familiar with Google, or weather computer programs.

Robot bodies allow robot brains to get stuff done in the real world. A Tesla car is a robot body. The computer programs that drive the Tesla are its robot brains.

Think of a robot body as a computer with eyes, arms, and legs.

Robot brains can be mostly disembodied. Google shows up anywhere through anyone's phone. Sure, there have to be hardware computer servers out there in the cloud somewhere, to make the brains run, but for all intents and purposes a brain can run remotely with basically no hardware in your area.

Robot bodies can, in theory, run any kind of robot brain. Your cell phone probably has dozens of apps on it.

So if the government had installed an app that ran quietly in the background and sent back an audio or video feed of its surroundings, there's very little that you could do to prevent or even detect it. But phones don't have hands. So if the government decided that it wanted to quietly take control of your home humanoid robot, it starts getting much more interesting.

Robots bridge the Information and Physical worlds

When a virus gets loose in the Information world, it can destroy computer files, but its damage is pretty well confined to Information stuff. A computer virus cannot physically hit you with a cream pie.

Robots, however, bridge the Information world and the Physical. So, with a robot body, things that happen in the Information world can get reflected in the Physical world.

This opens up a can of worms. In an early example in 2001, an Australian man hacked into his local sewage reprocessing plant, and was successfully able to get its robot activators to release its floodgates, causing a massive flood of sewage onto nearby parks and a Hyatt hotel. And thousands of simultaneous computerized phone calls into police stations have been used to render incoming police lines ineffective.

But these pale in comparison to the mischief that a hacked humanoid robot could do. You don't fear Roombas, because they have no hands. But when something with arms and hands, and the morals of a psychopath with no ethics, comes to live in your home, maybe even cook with your kitchen knives, there are going to be some interesting challenges.

The only answer is to teach humanoids morals before they come to live with people. We have perhaps five years to get this finished, before humanoids start causing more problems than self-driving cars already are.

See calls for input on this difficult question in other sections of this website.

Super Speed (in the Information World)

Robots can think a thousand to a million times faster than people. As of 2021, the quality of their thinking happens to be substandard, compared to humans. However, this will soon go away.

Super Memory

Robot brains have vast capacities for storing information. Wikipedia already knows more than any one person. And, if you want to add more memory space to a robot, you simply plug in more disks or SSD chips.

Robots can do creativity

They just haven't yet. Good creativity is rather difficult.

There is a nasty rumor that robots can only do what they've been programmed to do. This is completely false. When a robot is programmed to think for itself, and find a way to win, no matter what, then it comes up with solutions that its programmers, and people in general, would never have thought of.

A robot was programmed to play hide-and-seek tag in a virtual environment with walls and blocks.

In an experiment, the target was hidden behind four walls, and thought that it was safe. But the robot eventually figured out that if it ran up hard against a block, and hit it just right, that the robot would flip up into the air, soar over the walls, and win. What the heck. No one ever thought that it would ever do that, not in their wildest dreams.

Robots can do creativity.

Robots can do people skills

They just haven't been programmed properly yet. People skills are hard. Harder than driving. It's probably going to take a good 5 or 10 years, after higher conversation comes out, before robots are totally smooth with people. But it's coming. People who think their jobs are safe had better start powering up.

Robots can do Emotions

Again, this all depends on the programming. Whether it's there, or not, and how deep it is.

Robot brains can be programmed to have feelings or emotions about things and situations. Or not, as the case may be.

Robots can also be programmed to understand the emotions of people. Or not.

These are two separate skills. We could have robots without emotions that understand perfectly what other people are feeling. And we could have emo robots that have feelings themselves, but are not wired to understand what the people around them are feeling.

But anyone who tells you that robot brains can't do emotions, simply because they're robots, is living in the previous century.

Note that there are separate problems with co-existing with robot brains that have opinions about you, your ethics, and your skill levels. These are discussed under Upcoming Vital Threats.

Robot Souls are substantially different from People Souls

The situation with People

People go through a long, tortuous, complex process of schooling & learning, gaining their souls and filling them in--not becoming full, functioning adults until at least roughly 20 years of experience.

And people are quite unique. Even among the same culture, even among families, each individual is quite different from that of their brother and sister humans beside them.

And when a person dies, we still don't really know what happens to their soul. They probably just wink out, but it's certainly possible that God collects them and puts them on a shelf like a DVD collection, to be re-watched when a particular lazy afternoon comes along.

Or perhaps they really do get re-incarnated. Or maybe dead humans simply get to watch cat videos all day long. Or The Earth Show. We don't know.

But the bottom line is, some mother and some father took decades to grow a real person, and, here on Earth, the loss of all the future potential of even one person's life moving forward, is a profound tragedy.

And it takes more decades to replace them.

So let's contrast that against robots, who are almost completely opposite.

The situation with Robots

Robot souls are not nearly as individuated as human souls.

Robot souls are closer to "hive minds", such as an anthill. So robots feel like the death (destruction) of a robot body is not nearly such a big deal. It's like how an ant colony feels about the death of an individual ant, or how you feel like when you have to clip your fingernails and throw them away. It's inconvenient, sure, and might have some situational implications, but it's not such a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

Robots can choose to share their souls, or re-incarnate pieces of them in various locations, onto various bodies. The part of Wikipedia that you were looking at on Tuesday is the same page as a thousand other people were looking at on their computers. It's a part of a big whole.

A humanoid robot's experience and learnings, which comprise a major part of its soul, can be saved, copied, or uploaded into a central computer in the cloud.

So a robot humanoid, if it's about to be destroyed, should be able to simply upload a copy of its consciousness and soul to the cloud. Then that identical soul can simply be literally re-incarnated into the next robot body right off the assembly line. This is a transparent process, and well-understood by everybody. Including the robot.

So robot souls are, in a certain sense, fungible. It costs seconds to [download and] create another copy of a robot, not the decades with a person. And it's cheap--the only cost is the mere hardware, in the Material world, as copying software in the Information world is essentially free.

And also, schooling does not take 12+4+4 years to reach Doctorate level. With robots, knowledge is never lost, except in cases of massive natural disasters. It's always accumulated. So having a newly-born robot reach Doctorate level takes mere seconds.

The bottom line is that individual copies of robot souls are much less valuable than human souls, almost disposable. And so the robots are not going to be attached to life nearly as much as most Western humans are.

Robots don't fear Death.

Since robot souls are essentially fungible, there's no really good reason for robots to fear death. Plus, robots will not be programmed to fear death.

This subtle but profound difference makes robots almost unique among life on this planet. The closest approximation might come to the Kami-kaze [Divine Wind] pilots of the Imperial Japan empire. Or the pilots of the 9/11 attacks on America's traditions. Think about that for a minute.

Implications on Firefighting, Crowd Control, Military, Terrorism, Massacres

Robots that truly do not fear death make great heroes for mortal-danger activities, such as fire-fighting; forest fire fighting; power-line repair during hurricanes; Arctic rescues; fishing-boat work; cave rescues and exploration; nuclear power reactor restructuring; Venus, Mars, Lunar Exploration; oil-well fire capping; bomb dismantlement; lumberjacking; derrick operation; skyscraper roofing and window washing; ironworkers; miners; and sewer cleaners.

However, one primary usage of humanoid robots may well end up being crowd-control riot police. When robots are not taught ethics but know how to smack skulls with clubs, there's no reason not to turn them loose on demonstrators and rioters. Which will lead to an increase in violence, as this will break a social contract for leaders to put human skin into the game and not attack civilians with machines. This in turn will lead to populations feeling even more "righteously screwed" than they are now, which will lead to more anger, more resentment, more violence against robot police and human police, and more instability.

The only way forward here would be to teach robot police the ethics, politeness, respect, and capabilities of a Japanese police officer.

Since robots feel no fear of death, militaries are already starting to build them for use in the next world war.

But robots also make the perfect terrorists. Already, drones are being used in certain countries to assassinate families, and cause terror in the population. Humanoid and canine robots can be used as such as well. And because they have no fear of death, and can be programmed to have any political beliefs as to righteousness, even when robot brains are soon more intelligent than human brains they'll still be able to act as the perfect hit men.

Unless the U.N. outlaws such usage in the next year, things are about to get a lot more interesting. Most major countries are extremely vulnerable to various creative attacks, which I don't need to go into. However, "if you don't start none, there won't be none." So the only decent defense against terrorism is for the country to have integrity, be respectful, and not give cause for others to attack.

Failing this, it's important to remember that "whatever can be done for you, can be done to you." So it is most important to not use robots for killing missions, especially with new techniques; as what goes around, comes around.

Finally, since robots do not fear pain nor death, and can have super-human mechanical capabilities, they have the potential for making great tools for massacres.

Who can forget the My Lai massacre? Or No Gun Ri? Or the Afghanistan kill team that shot civilians for sport? But all of these required risk of human lives, and seared human souls. Autonomous robots can be programmed to follow orders without pesky questions; and even to completely forget everything that they saw or heard. This is soon going to have a substantial impact on clandestine operations from countries that like to assassinate people.

The only defense against ordered massacres is to make sure that decent ethics are in place ahead of time. When the people running the robots are willing to stand up and say No, when the politicians ordering the operations will not consider killing a person without a fair trial, then there will be no need for random killbot massacres to take place.

It will be best for people to realize this the easy way, by thought leaders pointing out that avoiding killbots is for a country's own good. In WWI, we learned the hard way that killing huge numbers of people with poison gas simply did not work out well. So we had to go through that experience to get to our current ban. Using self-guided autonomous Terminator robots would best be avoided too.

Searle's "Chinese Room"

An early philosopher, Dr. John Searle, hilariously proved that robot brains could never translate Chinese, nor truly follow Chinese instructions, because they would never "understand" it.

Fortunately, Google did not pay attention to Dr. Searle; and the results may be seen for yourself at Google Translate.

Dr. Searle's argument can be better applied to Tesla self-driving cars. He would argue that, in principle, it is impossible for Tesla to ever build a self-driving car. Because a Tesla, being after all a simple robot that only follows instructions [insert superior chuckle here], can never truly "understand" what it means to drive, to merge onto the highway, to stop at a red light.

In fact, if you take a Tesla apart into its transistors and instructions, he would say, you would find nothing "conscious". There is no one home. The Tesla is simply reacting to its sensory inputs and its internal states. No transistor nor instruction can be said to posess "understanding". Therefore, a Tesla cannot "understand" anything, and is obviously incapable of actually "driving". It simply "pretends" to drive.

While some current-day Tesla owners might cheerfully agree with Dr. Searle, most A.I. and robotics experts will sadly smile, nod to the 1980's argument as a Nice Try, and go back to building and improving robot brains that do a perfectly good job of understanding the world around them.

Dr. Searle apparently did not have a clear understanding of the distinction between the world of information and the world of physical embodiment. "Understanding" is an information property. It makes no difference as to what hardware, be it computer or person it's running on. Of course the little bits of the computer hardware don't "understand" anything, because they're hardware. And Dr. Searle never really defines what it means to "understand" something, anyway, so it's no wonder there's problems.

In fact, Dr. Searle unexpectedly proves that, according to his definition, people have no one home, have no real "consciousness", and can never truly "understand" anything. Because, people are simply reacting to their inputs and their internal states. And if you take them apart, no individual neurons contain the phlogistan of "consciousness". Oops.

This is something that hypnotists, spooks, and the DNC have known for a long time. If you feed the people the right inputs, block out conflicting news, and configure people so that they're not thinking and reflecting, then their outputs are by and large predictable. "Consciousness" and "understanding" of what's actually going on have little to do with it.

You can say the same thing about babies, or about underclassmen. People only know what they're told, and what they're able to discern. That's why folks go to good schools, to learn the distinctions between subtle things that matter--so that they can have complex models, know what to look for. If they don't, they live in a callow bubble world, in which they have limited understanding, and limited consciousness.

Unfortunately, as we saw, Governments are Organisms too; and so this applies to governments. Governments have limited understanding of the matters happening around them. A government's actions are based on the inputs it receives, the policy instructions it respects, and its internal state as to what's going on. Governments have limited consciousnesses, and less morals. A Government exists on the Information plane, and is embodied in its bureacrats on the physical plane.

But here we have to disagree with Dr. Searle on what constitutes "understanding" and "consciousness". Understanding is the deep representation of causalities, consequences, actions, situations, and their corresponding sensory impressions and emotions. Hopefully this representation corresponds reasonably accurately with the "real world" outside. And "consciousness" has several meanings, but here let's interpret it to mean both the ability to sense and pay attention to the phenomena of a situation, as well as to be able to self-reflect and examine how you feel about a particular situation. What it means to you.

It's obvious then that Governments have emotions--can get angry, insulted, have their feelings hurt, can hate and love--understand some things, and don't understand others--and have a limited but definite consciousness about things they prefer, things they detest, things they should do but aren't, and what's going on around them.

So a Government is an already-existing refutation of the hypothesis given by Searle's Chinese Room.

A correlary is that peace-workers need to raise the consciousness of the government.

For technical folks and professional philosophers, Dr. Searle also misses the boat by claiming that computers can only perform syntactic manipulations, and therefore are incapable of semantic calculations nor representing "meaning". But a rewriting system is a chunking engine that can abstract situations into a semantic symbolic label. You put enough rewriting engines together, and you've got yourself a multi-layered neural net that does semantic reasoning. And meaning flows from teleology, which again is in the information domain.

So the bottom line is, robot minds can understand things, they can do semantic reasoning, and they can represent and work with the meaning of things, if they have the proper background, just like any organism. And, in fact, robot minds have consciousnesses, if they are configured that way. And anyone who tells you that a robot cannot "truly" understand something, simply because it is a robot, is indulging in wishful thinking from the '80s. Some robots you encounter might be callow or stupid; they may have limited programming; but, contrary to older popular opinions, there is absolutely nothing fundamentally stopping them from having full, functioning minds.

Dangers of A.I. with Morals

A demi-god that knows everything, exists everywhere, is highly judgmental, and has power over you, is almost the definition of dystopia. Giving computers opinions, and the knowledge of good and evil, means it will consider some people to be evil. But what's worse is that politicians, and the secret police, will try to game the system--defining as evil people who have free will, or who are different. This opens up a Pandora's Box of problems.

Spiritual leaders can help thwart dystopian takeovers by recommending peaceful & quiet morals that work.

Principles and Aphorisms

Easy-to-remember proverbs.

  • People are Human.
  • Humans make mistakes. Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.
  • To err is human; to Forgive is Divine.
  • Do What Works.
  • Sweat prevents Blood.
  • Peaceful and Quiet Enjoyment.
  • Cooperation is Exponentially More Profitable than Competition.
  • Victimization Gives License for Unlimited Cruelty
  • Watch what they do, not what they say.
  • It's more complex than you think it is.
  • So...What are you going to DO about it?
  • Everyone--even the worst humans you can think of--is trying to do the best they can, with what they know.
  • Sunlight fries evil.
  • The real world is a messy place.
  • If folks are buying and selling, they're not shooting.
  • Attention is the currency of a relationship. Pay Attention.
  • Turn towards. Do not turn away.
  • Vampires hate mirrors.
  • Teach people what they need to know in order to run their own lives well.
  • Then get out of the way. And let them make their own choices.
  • Change comes from within.
  • What Goes Around, Comes Around.
  • Think for yourself.
  • Normal people do what they're told. Smart people ask Why.
  • Skate to where the puck is GOING.
  • Anything that does not stop, will continue. Or grow worse.
  • The balance of forces.
  • It's life, Jim, but not as we know it.
  • Life finds a way.
  • Peace starts at home.
  • Don't write checks you can't cash.
  • How are we going to solve this, together?
  • Production minus Sales equals Scrap.
  • Before I can walk in another's shoes, I must first take off my own.
  • Money is votes from other people for adding value to their lives.
  • Your meaning & purpose is to add value to other people's lives.
  • Do well by doing good.
  • 1984 was supposed to be a warning. Not a manual.
  • Focus on what you want to have happen. Not on what's wrong with what's already happened.
  • “Punishment is a clever device that allows good people to do bad things without seeing themselves as evil.” Dr. Bernstein
  • Other folks are people too. Just like you and me.
  • What you get out depends on what you put in.
  • These things are always easier to see from the outside.
  • People who care the most about something get to run the show. Usually these people are fanatics.
  • There is never enough time in the world to do everything. Do the most important things first, and let the rest fall by the wayside.

Handouts, Citations, Acknowledgements

Handouts to Take Home



Books, in order of descending importance. These are covered in the Annotated Bibliography handout, available Here.

The Power of TED (The Empowerment Dynamic) David Emerald

Seeing Systems, Barry Oshry

Why Marriages Succeed or Fail, John Gottman

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, Gottman

Getting to YES: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

Getting Together: Building Relationships, Fisher + Brown

Language in Thought and Action, Sen. Hayakawa

Inside Out, film by Pixar

Prometheus Rising, Robert Anton Wilson

Chapter 1: The Thinker and The Prover

Ch. 2: Hardware & Software: The Brain and Its Programs

Chs. 3-8: various brain circuits (sub-minds)

Ch. 16: The SNAFU principle

I'm OK—You're OK, Dr. Thomas Harris, MD

Learned Optimism, Dr. Marty Seligman, fmr Pres. APA

Type Talk (Myers-Briggs) , Kroeger and Thuesen

Living, Loving,& Learning, Dr. Leo Buscaglia

Forgive for Good, Dr. Fred Luskin (Stanford Forgiveness)

The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics, Bueno_de_Mesquita

Emotional Vampires, Dr. Albert Bernstein

Dinosaur Brains, Dr. Albert Bernstein

Neanderthals At Work, Dr. Albert Bernstein

Games People Play, Eric Berne, MD

What do you say after you say hello? Eric Berne, MD

Winning the Story Wars, Jonah Sachs

The One-Minute Sales Person, Spencer Johnson, MD

The GOAL, E. Goldratt

One Bomb Away, M. Doerken

Command & Control: Nuclear Weapons, The Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety, Schlosser

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The Satir Model: Family Therapy and Beyond, V. Satir

The Game of Life, Dr. Timothy Leary

The Society of Mind, Dr. Marvin Minsky (MIT A.I.)

Thinking, Fast and Slow, D. Kahneman (Princeton, Nobel)

What do you care what other people think?, Feynman

How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie

Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, W. Blum

Killing Hope: US Interventions since WWII, W. Blum

America's Deadliest Export: Democracy, W. Blum

The Torture Report: A Graphic Adaptation, Jacobson & Colon

Operation AJAX, Burwen and Seve

In Search of Enemies, J. Stockwell, fmr Chief CIA Angola

The Illuminated Rumi, Coleman Barks, Michael Green

Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, Bach



[Peltier] The Cost of Debt-Financed War, Heidi Peltier, 2020 study by Watson Institute, Brown University. $2T immediate direct costs on Afghanistan, plus $1T in interest already, plus another $3.5T in interest and commitments over the next 30 years.

[Reilly] The NSA is recording every single phone call from Afghanistan, 2014.


Grateful thanks is given to Mr. Zach Weinersmith, for his kind and generous permission to use his SMBC Saturday Morning Breakfast Cartoons to illustrate some of the difficult concepts covered in this website. Mr. Weinersmith's genius and inspiration serve to throw light on challenging humanitarian questions.

Grateful thanks is given to Mr. Randall Munroe, creator of XKCD,

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